Quitting Porn Makes Me Feel Lonely (This is Good)

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: the course and webinar I mention in the end of the video can be found by reading my review article Dopamine Discipline Review 

Are you wondering about quitting porn and loneliness?

How loneliness makes you relapse to porn?

And how come giving up porn can make you feel so lonely?

Well, this is what we are talking about today, so stay with me here...

Quitting Porn Makes Me Feel Lonely

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Feeling lonely on NoFap is actually pretty common. 

You know, when you surf YouTtube you mostly see NoFap YouTubers shouting out all the benefits, and yeah I do that myself as well, because, well there are many NoFap benefits.

However, there is something about NoFap that almost no one talks about. It’s not like it happens to everyone, but it’s common enough that it needs to be talked about and that is…


Yes, you see when some guys start being able to go for pretty long streaks, sure they notice some benefits but they may also start noticing something unpleasant. It’s like they suddenly have this dark hole in their soul. 

Porn and loneliness...

That hole is actually screaming for connection. Either in the form of a romantic partner or just social connection in general.

It’s not that strange really, because so many guys use porn as an escapism, trying to run away from things like stress, social anxiety or from feelings that they are not where they want to be in life.

And loneliness!

Porn can mask loneliness...

And using porn can actually be quite effective at masking problems, since it’s so dopamine driven.

And not only that, when you are using adult sites, a part of your brain actually thinks you have a lot of status, connections and hot girlfriends. It thinks you are spreading all kinds of genes.

So for a lot of guys, porn has actually been quite effective for masking loneliness. 

When guys stop watching porn they are left with the bitter truth of loneliness...

But then when guys go on a NoFap journey and tear themselves away from the screen many of them are left with the bitter truth.

They are suddenly hit with feelings of loneliness and start realizing how they are longing for some social connection.

And even worse, a lot of them still have social anxiety and are afraid to connect with people.

I thought quitting porn was supposed to fix my life?

And then many of them go, "Hey, I thought NoFap was supposed to fix my life, what the hell is this?"

Well, that’s not a good attitude to have.

Should and supposed are two words you need to be careful with, because nothing should or is supposed to do anything for you.

The world does not owe you anything...

Now, if something good happens, that’s great, embrace it, but ultimately you need to be able to take full responsibility for your life.

Now, sure a lot of guys belong in the lucky group that do get a lot of benefits, and they might even get rid of social anxiety completely.

But just quitting a PMO addiction doesn't have to mean everything will suddenly be great. 

However, if you are one of those who have social anxiety and feel lonely on NoFap, don’t you see that NoFap is still giving you something here.  

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

Even if you feel lonely after quitting porn, NoFap is still giving you something here...

It has lifted the fog, making you see clearly what you need to fix in your life.

You need to start taking massive action and start putting yourself out there.

Start by taking really small steps, but start right now.

Do something that scares you socially every day and keep challenging yourself and then watch yourself grow.

NoFap did actually help you. It has pinpointed your problems and showed you the path you must take.

I have experience from feeling lonely during NoFap and quitting porn myself...

I know what I’m talking about here because I had to do this myself.

You see, NoFap doesn’t kill social anxiety for everyone.

Now, sure NoFap did help to reduce my social anxiety a bit, but I’m genetically predisposed for anxiety and somewhere in the middle of my own reboot I started to realize that no one is coming to my rescue. 

Not my parents, not fate and not even NoFap.

I had to own it and start taking massive action...

And I had to start taking massive action and start coping with my social anxiety. 

Now, if you’re an introvert like me, you may perhaps not need much of a social life, but you do need some.

And the very fact that you have a black hole in your soul screaming at you is all the evidence you should need.

Maybe you want a romantic partner, your own family or just some more friends.

But whatever it is, you are the one who has to start taking action.

And don’t feel like NoFap didn't give you anything.

It got you away from the nasty videos and the screen because once you get the ball rolling, the NoFap powers will actually help you socialize.

It’s just that guys who are genetically predisposed for social anxiety often have to put in some extra effort. 

And in addition to this, NoFap may actually have given you the best benefit of them all, by opening your eyes and made you realize that you need to take action.

So start now!

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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