Quitting Porn Makes You Worse? (Did You Mask A Problem)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Note, you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the text

Did you know that you can actually start feeling worse after quitting porn. 

Now, this is not to say you shouldn't quit. Far from it, but it is something you need to be aware of. 

And I'm not even talking about porn withdrawals here, but something else. 

Let's get to it...

Quitting Porn Makes You Worse? Did You Mask A Problem

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

There is something important I want to tell you about NoFap that not everyone out there realizes. And this is something I notice with my 1 on 1 clients, I notice it in the emails I get and I noticed with myself it first hand back when I started my own reboot many years ago.

And this is something that can be either good or completely knock the air out of you, depending on which way you choose to look at it.

And so now you go, "What is it, what is it, the hell, just tell us already!?!"

Ok ok, I will, but before I do let me just say that what I'm about to say does NOT apply to everyone, but for a lot of guys NoFap can actually make their life harder IF they don't make an effort to deal with something.

You see, so many guys think that if they could only reach a certain number of days on their NoFap streak, everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

And, yeah sure, for a lot of people overcoming a real addiction is so good for the brain that everything becomes easier, more interesting and more fun. No doubt.  

But here's the deal…

If you've been using porn as an escape mechanism, expect some rough times ahead...

Then there are also guys out there who have been using adult sites as a coping mechanism to escape from things that they're not happy with, either with themselves or life in general.

They have become like that bird that buries his head in the sand. The adult sites being the sand here, of course.

Then what happens here is that, as they start to work on overcoming their addiction and start to pull their head out of the sand, which we all know is hard enough on its own, they are suddenly faced with all the things they have been hiding from.

And boy can those things hit you hard.

You're left facing your demons...

It's like you suddenly stand face to face with a really nasty demon.

This is often what we see with long-term rebooters, the people who complain that NoFap didn't really live up to their expectations and that life still sucks pretty bad.

And you know, I buried my head in the sand for a long time myself, so it's not like I'm pointing any fingers here.

Yes, all that porn was like a nice warm blanket that I was hing under, refusing to see the truth.

What are your demons? Mine were anxiety and low self esteem...

Then when I started doing NoFap it was like someone ripped that blanket off me and I suddenly realized just how much I'd been hiding from my social anxiety, loneliness and personal responsibilities. 

You see, that's the thing with a PMO addiction, it can really make you live in denial.

So, for me my demons were social anxiety, loneliness and not putting my life in order. But it's different for everyone, and you are the one who has to figure out what you are hiding from.

Not only will you come face to face with your demons, but then you have to start dealing with them as well...

Now, this is what I mean by saying NoFap can make your life harder because it can feel like complete hell to wake up and take a closer look at your demons.

Since facing them is not even enough, then you have to deal with them as well.

Huh, well this is hard.

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The truth is, it can be really hard...

So, no wonder guys keep falling back to porn and start hiding in the sand again.

Well let me ask you this, do you really think those demons will go away if you bury your head in the sand? Maybe next time you lift your head up they've just somehow magically disappeared?

Nah man, I think most of you understand that, if you keep hiding, not only will they stay, but they will actually grow stronger.

And listen, a really nasty thing about addictions is that eventually there will come a day when you're so desensitized by all that dopamine that your drug can no longer deliver that comforting blanket for you, not even temporarily.

And what are you going to do then?

You wanna hear the truth?

There's nowhere to hide...

There's nowhere to hide.

You can't keep bending reality thinking you can get away with it.

There's no hiding from loneliness.

You can't hide from anxiety or disappointment either, or the fact that your life's such a mess that all the girls are turning you down.

Keep numbing yourself with porn, sure but just how long do you think that'll work?

So, for those guys out there who say that NoFap is too hard, could it perhaps be that NoFap actually just revealed the truth for you and showed you all the things you need to fix with your life?

But not quitting porn because of that is not an option...

If that's the case, yeah I know it hurts, but man how about you stop showing your head in the sand and start fixing your life instead, one piece at a time.

Because it can be done.

I'm speaking from experience here.

If you need help with this, I recommend you check Dopamine Discipline, an online course for people who want to stop using adult sites.

You can read full reviews of the course that I'm talking about in the following articles here...


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