Scrolling On Phone in Bed is Bad For Your Dopamine (Check This Out)

dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits

Wondering if using your phone in bed at night is bad for your dopamine?

Well, today we are going to talk about that plus 2 other bad habits you should consider giving up as soon as humanly possible.

Let's begin...

Scrolling On Phone in Bed is Bad For Your Dopamine

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Let’s take a look at 3bad habits that, well, if you are doing any of these, you should really consider giving them up as soon as possible, because nothing good comes out of them.

In fact, they may even hold you back in life.

Habit #1  Surfing on the internet with your phone in your bed is bad for your dopamine levels...

Now, there are many reasons for this.

First, because the bluelight from your screen makes your sleep quality worse.

Not only that, but according to professor Andrew Huberman looking at a bright screen at night can actually mess with your dopamine system.

Yes, and It can do so instantly, and this is even if you’re not addicted to your phone or anything else. 

We are already suffering from too much dopamine stimulation...

And man, it’s not like we don’t already have plenty of superstimuli in today's world, messing with our dopamine system.

So don’t surf on your phone just before going to sleep.

And also, when your alarm clock goes off in the morning. Don’t start your day by aimless browsing in your bed either. It just sets you off in the wrong direction.

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Don't start your day by scrolling on your phone in bed...

It is much better to start your day first, and to take at least some action towards your goals, before doing recreational stuff and you check social media.

Personally I never start surfing on YouTube or anything similar until I have done at least some work.

Then we can use it as a reward, but if you do it the other way around, it can reduce your drive to work on your goals.

This is because the dopamine system is highly involved in you working on your goals and it’s also involved in scrolling on your phone.

And you don’t want the latter to compete with your goals from the very first hour of your day.

Habit #2  Blaming fate

Stop blaming fate and your circumstances for everything.

Now, I’m not saying you don’t have reasons to do so because I’m sure you have. But the thing is, it doesn’t help you.

In fact, it will only hold you back because excuses make you stop going hard. In fact, they can even make you stop trying altogether and then what, how far do you get then?

At the very least they make you stop looking for clever solutions. And they most certainly kill your fighting spirit.

Life is a series of games...

Look, you have to look at life as a series of games.

Not just one game, but hundreds of games. And every single one of us was dealt a bad hand in some of those games.

In some areas you got dealt a better hand and in some other areas a worse hand.

And so what do you do about that?

Well, you have to play your hand to the best of your ability. Try to come up with clever solutions and really give it your all.

And, you know, sometimes doing so can actually make you win even if you were an underdog in that game. But even if you come up short, you’ll still get much further by giving it your all and not pointing fingers at fate.

Habit #3 Stop pleasuring yourself to online pornography

Now, my regular subscribers know all about this already, but if you’re new to my channel you should know that the thing I said about social media potentially lowering your drive, well you can say the same pleasuring yourself to today’s super stimulating online porn.

Except that overconsumption of porn is probably 3X, or 5x, or maybe even 10x worse than social media.

And so if you now go, "Hey wait a minute! There's no way this is true!" then then take a look at a video I made a while back called Will NoFap give you success?

Where I explain exactly how doing NoFap can be so good for your dopamine system that you get an edge over all your friends. 

Alright, this is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today.

Thanks for reading.

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