Should You Tell Your Friends That You Are Quitting Porn?

porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if you should tell your friends about your plan to quit porn?

Or if you should tell your friends that you no longer watch porn?

Maybe....maybe depends...

Let's take a look...

Should You Tell Your Friends That You Are Quitting Porn?

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

So, two days ago I posted a poll asking you this question.

Are your friends aware of the fact  that you are doing NoFap?

Over 2000 of you voted and this is how you guys answered…

Most people do not tell their friends about NoFap and quitting porn...

As you guys can see, most of you choose to play your cards somewhat close to your chest.

And you know what, I actually think, that’s not a bad idea.

Now, there is a difference between friends and friends as well.

If you have a really close good friend that is understanding and wants the best for you, then you should be able to tell him or her pretty much anything about yourself without having any fear of judgment whatsoever

Because, well, if you can’t then that person is not a really really good friend.

But here’s the deal though…

Support is good, but don't feel pressured to tell someone you don't trust...

Obviously you can choose to tell everyone if you want to, but should by no means feel any pressure that you have to do so.

And there are three good reasons for this...

First,  because, well, it’s not like most of us go around telling everyone about what intimate things we do or don’t do with our body parts anyways. And we don’t go around shouting out other very personal stuff about ourselves either. And no one expects us to.

Second, unfortunately not everyone is going to want what’s best for you. And when we tell those people about our dreams, plans and goals, some of them will not give you encouragement.

In fact, some of them will even try to make you insecure about it and play other psychological tactics on you, just to try to bring you out of balance.

And remember now, this is not true for your closest friends, because if they act this way, oh man, then you should really consider getting some new ones. 

Third, most people do not like it if you preach and you go on and on about what the best way of living is.  And this is especially true when it comes to more sensitive or controversial topics...and NoFap and quitting porn definitely falls into that category.

NoFap and quitting porn can actually give you the confidence to not care that much what they think, should you decide to tell your friends...

Now, as far as number 2 here, the cool thing about NoFap in and of itself is that...

If you manage to build up a good streak, and you otherwise manage to put your life in order, then your confidence will grow so much that you don’t even give a fuck about what people around you think.

And so, if they then try to bring you down, they won’t be able to.

So NoFap / quitting porn can really give you a buffer against that.

Support is super valuable, but if you're feeling fragile, choose wisely who you tell...

But if you are just starting out and you are feeling mentally weak, and you are really struggling, choose wisely who you tell.

Your closest friends are okay, and the same goes with support groups of course and accountability partners, but as far as more distant acquaintances, you might want to hold back a bit there. 

And so now some of you say, "But what if I want to spread the message and influence people?" 

Well that’s a great thing to do and you could start a YouTube channel and then really own everything about it. But that’s a bit different from preaching it to your real life friends.

As fair as your real life friend goes, if you want to influence them here’s what works better than preaching.

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by >Downloading< my FREE guide below...

If you want to tell your friends about the negative effects of porn - here's how...

You keep doing NoFap yourself for a long time, while you simultaneously put your life together, get in good physical shape.

You keep doing NoFap and you keep growing as a person until you become an overwhelmingly force of positivity, radiating core masculinity, and confidence.

They will then start noticing that and start asking you questions, and say stuff like..

"Man you have changed so much the last two years, what is it about you? What is your secret?"

And then, if you ever want to influence someone that’s the perfect time to tell them about that you’re doing NoFap / quitting porn, because then they are curious and highly responsive. And they most likely will want to try it out for themselves. 

Lead by example...

In other words, lead by example and become the best version of yourself, instead of preaching.

Alright, I hope you found this video somewhat helpful and as always if you want to help me grow my YouTube channel and support my work you can always buy me a coffee.

I can put a link to that donation site under this video and if you choose to buy me a coffee, thank you so much, every single cup of coffee really helps me grow my channel. 

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