Strict Rules To Get Rid Of Porn Addiction (Need To Be in Place)

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Are you trying to get rid of your porn addiction? Well stick around, because you're in the right place.

You can find more info about the online course I mention in the end of the video in an article I've written about it right here> Best online course for quitting porn

Today's subject is about how having strict rules when wanting to get rid of a porn addiction is actually an easier way to go, then not having such.

Sounds counter intuitive, but it's 100% true.

Let's jump in and take a look...

Strict rules in place makes it easier to get rid of porn addiction...

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Just how strict should your NoFap journey be?

Well, first I want to once more point out that it’s your life and you are the one who should decide how to live your life, but I’m going to tell you a few things you might find interesting.

When I first started my own quit porn journey back in 2012, I didn’t really have any rules other than I was just trying not to relapse.

But  after some time I started trying out all kinds of rules for myself. 

I read rebooting forums and at first I remember one time I was kind of dismissive of a few guys doing something like 'ultra monk mode', or something like that.

'Monk mode' sounded so hard...

I don’t remember the exact name they used.

Anyway the rules there were as strict as can be, no adult site, no masturbating, no dating app. If you happen to scroll by something on social media, not one second of peeking and no looking at real life women on the streets. 

Back then I thought that this is just making it crazy hard!

But you know what?

With time, I started to discover how the brain works, and I started to realize that, for most guys, not for all, but for most guys, strict rules actually make it easier.

Not harder!

Strict rules actually makes your porn addiction journey easier, not harder...

This is especially true if you are addicted to adult sites.

So why is this?

Well, some of you have heard me talking about something I call waking the sleeping dopamine bear. 

Let’s call it a dopamine monster today.

Enter: The Dopamine monster...

Most of you know by now that dopamine is highly involved with addiction.

And if you are addicted, and you have set a rule for yourself that you are allowed to look at hot fitness girls, or booty shaking videos, if they happen to pop up on social media, then sure, it’s not like it’s impossible to reboot like that.

But don’t think that you are making it any easier for yourself by doing that. 

Because do you really think the dopamine monster will be satisfied with just getting a few glimpses of the good stuff here and there?

No way!

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The Dopamine monster always wants more...

90% of the time the dopamine monster wants more. In fact, that’s the whole nature of dopamine as a neurotransmitter. If dopamine could talk and it could only say two words, it would be “go after”. So it’s not a neurotransmitter that is involved with satisfaction.

So, if you are having urges and you are thinking that, "Maybe if I just peek at some hot stuff for about 2 minutes or so", you are fooling yourself. 

Again, if you truly are addicted, there is no way your dopamine monster will be happy and satisfied after those two minutes.

No no no no no, it will pretty much do everything in its power to make you escalate.

So, that’s something for you to consider right there.

Don't get crazy scared either. Just notice - and then don't follow....

Now, this does not mean you have to go all crazy on social media and become scared if you happen to see something.

If something happen to pop up when I’m scrolling, I personally just keep scrolling past it, and I do not lock my eyes or attention on it.

And it’s not like I’m turning my head in panic shouting, "Oh no! no no!"

I just notice the image, and I don’t give it any extra attention and just scroll past it.

This is kind of like you do when you are surfing urges as well, just notice, don’t feed it, and just let it go.

What about looking at women in real life when trying to get rid of a porn addiction?

Now, as far as real life women go and if I happen to see a super attractive girl when out and about then I do allow myself to appreciate her beauty, and I will not force myself to look away.

You see, my personal rebooting rules have always been saying no to pixels on a screen and yes to real life people.

Say 'no' to pixels and 'yes' to real life people...

Now. that does not mean I stare like a creep when I see an attractive girl either, no, I just act normally, not like a creep, but I’m not trying to avoid anything either. Which is the most natural way to go about it.

And as a result there is no weird vibe going on there...which, when you think about, would be the case if you kept staring like a creep, but also if you were afraid of looking...

...because both end of that spectrum can create a real strange vibe.

Your life, your rules...

But again, it is your life so you should be the one deciding how to live.

That said if you keep relapsing and if you feel you would like me to come up with a plan for you to stop relapsing then you can always reach out to me for a 1 on 1 coaching call.

You’ll find the link to my coaching page under this video and if 1 on 1 coaching isn’t really your thing, but you still want help to quit PMO then another option is to take a look at the article A Good online course for quitting porn, that I wrote a while back on my other blog. It's truly a good course and I highly recommend it for people struggling.

Thanks for reading.

-Scandinavian Bob

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