Urges Help Create NoFap Superpowers (Did You Expect This?)

nofap nofap benefits

Are you curious about the so-called NoFap superpowers?

But your urges are preventing you from getting there?

Well, then this video is definitely going to be for you.

Let's begin...

Urges Help Create NoFap Superpowers

Scandinavian Bib here, hi!

We NoFap YouTubers talk a lot about urges and how bad it feels after relapses, but here's something we need to be thinking a whole lot more of.... 

Have you ever noticed that if you have a day when you have very strong urges, they are extra stubborn, and several times during that day, you come so close to relapsing, but somehow you manage to stay strong and avoid relapsing, so then the following day is often phenomenal?!?

Yes, whenever I read my old rebooting journals, I can see that pattern again and again. 

And it's easy to see too because I used to rate my days, and it could look something like this* see video*.

And almost without exception, the days after having really stubborn urges, if I somehow managed to not relapse, my score went through the freaking roof.

Successfully handling urges = NoFap superpowers

Now, one reason for this is psychological. Of course we feel good about ourselves if we overcome an obstacle.

I mean, that's only natural. But I think there's more going on as well. You see, urges are directly related to the NoFap superpowers. 

Now, I actually don't like the word superpowers because it's just so naive, but you know what I mean. Let's just call it the NoFap benefits.

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The superpowers are often manifested the following day

Well, whenever you feel those really strong urges and you manage to not release, but instead you go do some physical exercise or, better yet, keep working on your goals, those powerful NoFap benefits will manifest the following day or sometimes even later on that same day. 

And it's not that strange really because, well, just think about it.

The strongest force in human nature is our sexuality. And if you learn how to not waste that energy, but instead channel it into other things, well, of course, that's going to manifest itself in interesting ways.

This is why I still keep doing retention in cycles to this day...

This is something I still notice to this day, and it's one of the reasons for why I still keep doing retention in cycles, even though I overcame my PMO addiction a long time ago.

So, don't be afraid of those powerful urges.

Embrace your urges - they are the seeds of your NoFap superpowers...

Embrace them instead and look at them as being the seeds of your NoFap benefits.

You know, there's this saying that goes, "Pain is just weakness leaving your body."

Well, that's kind of what it's like when you are ridden by those strong NoFap urges as well. Urges are what you feel when those seeds are being planted.

It's just that, on days when you have to put in a lot of effort, when you're going through some seriously painful stuff, you feel like you're losing. 

But if you keep going, it's the exact opposite.

When you think you've been buried, you've just been planted...

Yes, sometimes when you're in a dark place, you think you've been buried, but actually, you've just been planted. I hope this gave you some different perspectives.

And oh, hey guys, if you struggle a bit on your NoFap journey, here's something you absolutely need to stop doing. Take a look at this blog right here > Biggest mistake when trying to quit watching porn after work. 

Thanks for reading!

-Scandinavian Bob

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