Using The "Right" Reward To Overcome A Porn Addiction

no pmo nofap porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if you should reward yourself or not in order to overcome a porn addiction?

As in, when you reach a certain milestone, should you then treat yourself to something special?

Well, let's take a look at this...

Using The "Right" Reward To Overcome A Porn Addiction

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

So let’s talk about a mindset thing that goes just a little bit deeper and please please give me your full attention now and really try to focus for the whole video because I promise you, if you really listen to this, and not just listen, but understand it, it will help you so much on your journey to breaking bad habits and become a stronger person.

So, tell me if this sounds familiar to you…

When you're building up your no porn streak...

Sometimes when you try to quit fapping to porn you relapse after just a few days, but other times you manage to go a bit longer. Maybe you pass the three week mark and you’re now on day 25.

But then later that day you start hearing this voice in the back of your head whispering “Hey, you’ve done so well it’s time for a little reward, you know just a short peek for one minute here, nothing more”

And before you know it you have spent more than an hour on a full blown relapse. And since you now broken your streak you keep relapsing several times the following week as well. 

Your porn addiction voice starts whispering in your ear...

Or how about this, you get a few weeks in and when that voice starts whispering, “Hey, you’ve done so well and been so healthy, it’s time for a little reward”

You go and reward yourself by getting drunk or smoking weed or doing some other low value dopamine activity. And then once you’ve got a taste of instant dopamine again your behavior spills over into you relapsing to porn the following day as well.

Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Please let me know in the comment section right now if it does. 

It's not that rewarding yourself is bad...

Now, the point of this is not that there is something wrong with giving ourselves rewards when we reach a certain milestone just as long as we don’t go for something that we are trying to avoid in the first place. 

But what I really would want you to grasp on a deeper level here is something that, once you get that mindset, will absolutely skyrocket your success on NoFap. Or breaking any bad habit for that matter. 

And it’s the following…

The reinforcement of your desired identity...

I’m not saying you have to count days on NoFap to be successful, but let’s say you’re one of those people who like to count and you're keeping track by putting a big X for each day you're clean.

And so day by day that X chain is growing longer and longer. Well, my friends, that could be your primary reward right there. To each and every day literally see before you how you’re building a healthier brain, stronger person and a better life. 

That itself IS the reward.  

The reward is you getting a super healthy brain. 

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The real reward is you getting a healthy brain by being free from porn....

And I’m being serious here, you can really learn to see it and feel it like that.

And once you really understand that and start to embody that identity, staying away from bad stuff becomes so much easier. Because just the thought of rewarding yourself with porn is then going to sound so ridiculous to you on every level, both logically AND emotionally simply because it doesn’t match your primary desire of having a healthy brain at all. 

And so every cell of your body realizes that that wouldn’t be a reward. It would actually be the complete opposite and not compatible with your goals at all.

Please, please guys, watch this video again and really try to grasp this on a deeper level because I’m telling you, once you do, oh man…you’re going to get to levels you haven’t seen before. 

And oh hey guys, are you familiar with one of the biggest NoFap traps there is?


Well, if not, take a look at this post right here ==> PMO recovery tips and you’ll discover something that at first you think you already know, but then a few seconds later in the video you’ll discover another layer to it. Take a look right now and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

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