Very Strong Urges When Trying To Quit Porn (Don't Be Afraid Of Them)

porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you suffering from very strong urges when trying to quit porn?

Well, if so, you might want to give this video a try. 

Make sure to watch it all the way until the end, as you do not want to miss out on any of the advice here. 

Very strong urges when trying to quit using porn...

Scandinavian Bob from here hi.

Today we are going to talk about having strong cravings when trying to quit porn. 

But before we start I would like to take the opportunity to make you all aware of another YouTuber named woken warrior. In his videos he shares his life, all the ups and downs and he also combines that with great self improvement tips.

Right now, for example, he is doing daily NoFap check-ins sharing his ups and downs and I really think you could find it interesting.

He is totally open and honest about his life, meaning he shares both the good and the bad. And that in combination with the self improvement tips makes him interesting to follow.

He has read a lot of self help and on top of that  he is a great guy. So head over there and subscribe to him, I’ll leave a link under this video to his channel.

And also, when you watch his videos, make sure to press the like button and to comment something under his videos because all that helps a channel grow, and we need more people like him in today's crazy world.

People that are honest and share their story. So, please, show your support and go subscribe to woken warrior, I’m confident you will get a lot of value from following him.

Strong urges when giving up porn - Being afraid of them makes it worse...

Alright, back to the NoFap urges.

I want to start by asking, are you afraid of your urges?

Let’s say for example that you, for the most part, relapse somewhere within the first 10 days. But this time you are going strong and you are now on day 12. 

Do you then go, "Oh no…yes…I just broke the 10 day mark, but I really hope I don’t get urges now because I don’t want to relapse again”?

Well, if you do, it’s quite understandable because most of the time, urges are what makes us relapse.

But here’s another way to look at them...

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It is in that moment when you're feeling porn cravings that real rebooting happens...

What if I told you that things like...

  • Meditation
  • Cold showers
  • Journaling
  • Exercise

...and all those things, well they are great, but they are only helpful tools and that it is in that very moment when you are feeling cravings that real rebooting happens.

The day you'll learn that can actually sit with the porn craving and be okay, that is the day you finally become free...

Yes, you get hit by a trigger and the trigger starts a craving, but then when you learn that you don’t need to follow the craving well, that’s the day that you are starting to become free. 

When you can sit for a while with the urges and be okay with it. 

You know, some people like to count days on NoFap while others do not.

Now, both approaches are okay and if you are one of those guys who like counting, and you are one of those who are afraid of urges, then here's an idea for you...

What if you counted the number of times you feel a craving to watch porn - Without following that craving?

What if every time you got hit by a craving and you successfully didn’t follow it, you added a number in the notebook you have in your phone, and then when you got up to, for example, 50 successful times you rewarded yourself with something. 

A good meal or a new video game or some new clothes, something pretty small but still enjoyable.

Well, if you did that then rebooting would become more of a healthy game for you.

And it would shift your focus from being afraid of the urges to wanting to get them so that you can add another number in your notebook.

Increased awareness when trying to quit porn...

And it would also make you more aware of triggers and you would be more aware of that important window of time you have between a trigger and a relapse.

Because again, it is in that very moment that rebooting happens. 

This increased awareness would also prevent the autopilot from taking over when hit by a trigger.

Preventing the relapse autopilot to take over...

You see, the autopilots' two biggest enemies are awareness and mindfulness. 

Alright, I hope this gave you some new perspectives. And also, take a look at another video I made a while back where I share 3 big mistakes most men make when trying to overcome their addiction.

This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today. Consider subscribing for more helpful videos and remember, as WC used to say, if you're going through hell, keep going.

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