What Do The NoFap & Retention Powers Feel like Exactly? (Experiences)
The video you're watching at the top of this page is PART1. You will find PART 2 further down in the post.
Are you wondering how the NoFap powers feel?
Well, if so, you just find the right article for you because today we are going to share a lot of peoples experiences with just exactly what the NoFap superpowers feel like.
Let's begin...
What Do The NoFap & Retention Powers Feel like Exactly?
Scandinavia Bob here, hi.
So a few days ago I sent out an email to guys who are on my email list asking them if they could share their point of view on how they experience the NoFap benefits in terms of, you know, how it feels.
Now, I got so many replies so I won’t be able to share all of them here, but we’re also going to make a part 2 where we will do it a bit differently, so stay with me here because this is going to be interesting.
Before I start I want to say that many of the guys only listed NoFap benefits in and of themselves, and benefits are cool of course, but I really was more after you describing how it feels this time. I may have been a bit unclear in my email request, so this is something we will modify in time for part two.
But let’s begin…
Guy #1 Share's his view on the NoFap powers...
“For me, the one thing very significant about nofap is the feeling of being able to accomplish lofty and noble goals. I mean, I feel like I can literally do everything I set my mind on and MORE.
As someone who was a former meth addict, it's that feeling of being "high" where you can literally become anyone and do anything. But the difference is, now it's not a drug, but it's my own self that's doing this.
Right now, I'm building my physique, going to enroll in muay thai or boxing, shooting guns in the gun range, learning how to sing, learning a second musical instrument, and even then, it feels like I still want to do much more.”
I absolutely love that comment because, even though I have no personal experience with meth, I can definitely relate with when he says, it’s kind of like a high where you feel you can become anyone and do anything. And I especially love the part when he says, but the difference is, now it’s not a drug, but it’s my own self that’s doing this.
Amazing amazing amaaaazing. I just love how you put that.
Guy #2 Says his NoFap powers feel like a mass of positive energy...
“For me, NoFap powers feel like a mass of energy that never stops expanding. As long as I channel it into multiple tasks, such as studying, exercising, reading, I’m benefiting from the consumption of its power. However, if I leave it disused, it may reach levels I can’t control, leading me to relieve it on unproductive things, such as masturbation or porn, which I shouldn’t be doing if I really want to progress both physically and spiritually.”
Yes, so this guy brings up a good point when he says, “as long as I channel it”, because that’s where I see so many guys go wrong.
They just try to quit fapping to porn, but then they don’t fill the void with any new productive things. So, most likely they will not be able to handle the powerful energy increase that nofap can give you, and even if they can there’s a risk that the energy can turn into anger and frustration if they don’t start doing anything productive with it.
Now for those of you who are 24 years old and complaining about having started too late with NoFap, guy number 3 is, listen to this, 78 years old…
He wrote a long email and I won’t mention all the details, but here’s just a short quote…
Guy #3 on The NoFap super powers...
“I’m 78 years old. For some 4 decades I was struggling with my sexual distractions.”
And he describes what they were, I’m not going to describe them here, but they are things we often see from guys having consumed online porn to distract themself for many years.
But listen to this, then he goes on to saying..
“As of now I am comfortable almost 4 months free and feeling strong and free and content. I’m slowly learning Kundalini Meditation and, yes, attraction to women is true. Everything you mention is for real”
And by this here, he is referring to everything I’ve been mentioning in my videos. I know that because he’s kind enough to write some more and also invite me to meet him if I ever visit his country and where he’s staying. I want to thank you so much for the offer. I like invitations because, who knows when I start traveling the world, and it’s nice to have friends all over the place.
Guy #4 Says the NoFap powers make his nervous feelings go away...
“Hi Bob, here are my positive effects of nofap:
- Better confidence
- More energy
- Less need for sleep
- No intrusive thoughts
- More peace with yourself
- No nervous feelings
- Better sleep
- More involvement in everyday life
- Better social communication
- More interaction with females
There is more to it, but I think these are the most profound ones for me.”
Hey man, thank you so much for that. You certainly have a bunch of really really cool benefits going for you right there. Keep it going, my brother, keep it going.
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Guy #5 Feel like the NoFap powers are crushing his procrastination...
“The current streak I am on is possibly my longest streak, not sure because I am not counting, it's nearing 2 months I think. But anyways I am feeling the benefits, before it would always feel like I am pushing a truck to do even basic tasks in my day like brushing my teeth. Now it feels like I am a snowball falling down a hill, that's how much momentum I have to do all the tasks I have set out for the day. “
Yes, I recognize myself in this.
And not just with NoFap, but with dopamine fasting as well. After staying away from those super stimulating things for a while all those daily tasks become so easy to do.
And I like it when he says, “Now it feels like I am a snowball falling down a hill, that's how much momentum I have to do all the tasks I have set out for the day. “
Guy number six did also write a long email so I just have to take a few lines out of it here…
Guy #6 Says the NoFap super powers is making him 'no longer jealous of other men'...now they are jealous of him...
“The powers for me feel like an inversion of previous fears: intimate relationship 'challenges' feel like interesting learning experiences and opportunities to grow as a person/ partner.”
He goes on to say that, in regards to relationships with others, he no longer worry so much about things like…
“How will you respond to this? Can I trust you? And more often than not I just know what to say, do, understand the situation, person. I can get out of my own way, that allows a genuine connection.”
He also lists some benefits like…
- Less compulsive drive to do things just to compensate for shame or low self worth
- Far better understanding of women
- The scarcity is gone and I notice women respond really well to masculine presence, encouragement and appreciation.This is a superpower I used to recognise other men had and it was a strong source of envy, jealousy and insecurity. It feels good to know how to consistently bring good vibes to a woman with minimal effort and maximal fun and learning.
- I don’t feel judged any more, just respected and appreciated
Now he writes a lot more, but let me just end with something I think sound so beautiful, he says,
“I now have an acceptance of my past and present self, a quiet optimism about the inevitable future. That I will win no matter what happens, because there are many ways to win, especially when you bring others up with you.”
Oh man, that was nicely put. Thanks for sharing, my brother, and keep up the good work.
Guy #7 says the NoFap super powers feel like having a sense that everything is going well...
- To me the NoPMO superpowers feel like:
- Having a sense that everything in life is going well
- Feeling stronger (I'm able to lift more reps when working out)
- I feel full of energy and I am able to get up early if needed and stay up later if needed as the energy 'buzz' Is always with me 24/7
- I feel content with every situation I find myself in (NoPMO gives me a sense of control)
- I can be extroverted at work and actually enjoy it, whereas previously talking to others would give me extreme anxiety and felt like a chore
- NoPMO gives me a competitive 'feeling' edge, I feel as if I'm getting ahead of my peers because I can actually work on many goals at once due to the NoFap superpower energy”
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Guy #8 says the NoFap power is giving him inner peace
“I have feelings of inner peace, more confidence and some kind self fulfillment.”
Yes, those are definitely common NoFap powers / benefits, and they all feel great. I mean, just take inner peace for example. When you think of it, it’s almost like you can’t really ask for more than that.
Alright, so don’t feel bad if I didn’t share your email,because we’re going to have to end it here for today.
But we will continue in part two.…
Related posts:
- The #1 Best benefit from quitting porn and doing NoFap
- How to know if quitting porn / semen retention is working
- This is one of the best things about quitting porn (real benefit)
- My TOP 5 benefits of quitting PMO
- How to channel your NoFap energy into achieving goals
- Why I quit porn and why I'm never going back (my benefits)
- NoFap energy (Big increase)
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