What is Allowed During A PMO - Porn Reboot (My Experience)
The 4-Step System I mention in the end of the video can be found right here
Are you trying to unhook from porn?
And now you're doing a so-called pmo reboot?
Wondering what to avoid and what's acceptable during this journey?
Well if so, you've come to the right place, because today we're diving into exactly that.
Let's begin...
What is Allowed During A PMO - Porn Reboot
So what is allowed during NoFap or a pmo reboot and what are the things you absolutely must avoid in order to get this right?
Well let’s divide the screen up here where we put a pmo reboot to the left here. And a normal NoFap journey to the right here.
In the left column we are going to speak from the position of a person who is addicted to adult sites and he wants to reboot and rewire his brain to get a healthier sexuality and a healthier brain as well. In other words he wan’t to do a so-called porn reboot.
And then you have probably heard that there are things like NoFap hard mode, easy mode, lite mode and so on, but we are now just going to focus on the middle road here and talk about what most people mean when they say NoFap, in the most normal sense of the word.
And we are going to assume that the person in the right column does NOT really have any serious porn addiction to speak of.
Ok so let’s start right away by putting corn here in the middle.
Is porn allowed during a pmo reboot?
Well that one is going to be a big no no in both the porn reboot and the normal nofap column. That’s just blood obvious.
But what about…
Is Porn-Free masturbation allowed during a rebeoot?
Well if you’re doing NoFap, by definition you’re not masturbating, so it’s going to be a no no here.
Now before we move on, let me just say, it’s not that porn-free masturbation is going to be bad for you or your brain, and there are some people who allow it if they do so-called NoFap lite mode.
But remember, we are now only going to approach this from what most people mean when they say NoFap. And for most people, a middle of the road NoFap journey means no porn and no spanking the monkey.
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Now, in the left column here, porn-free m is actually allowed.
Well, because porn and masturbation are not the same thing, and it is fully possible to overcome a porn addiction while keeping p-free m in your life.
However, there are many people who find that they just can’t separate the two, and if they start playing around with p-free m, they also fall back into porn, and if that’s the case, then they should of course not do it.
Also, if the guy is trying to recover from PIED, then it is advisable to take a complete break from all things sexual, even if it’s natural in the beginning of the reboot.
So even though it’s allowed in the left column, I would still take a break from it for the first maybe 2-6 months or so, or at least drastically reduce it, until you start seeing some good improvements in your erection quality.
Ok, and so what about…
Is sex allowed during a pmo / porn reboot?
Sex is allowed in the right column, and you can even climax here, because remember, this isn’t hard mode or semen retention we’re talking about now, but the middle of the road NoFap.
And you will still get so many NoFap benefits by giving up porn and masturbation and some of the other things we are going to talk about further down the list today, even if you ejaculate during sex.
And of course it’s also allowed in the left column, because real sex is not porn addiction.
However, if you have Porn induced ed (PIED) the rules may change a bit here and I will tell you how a bit further along in the video so let’s mark PIED down here as a reminder for us to talk about it when we get there.
Ok, so what about…
Is watching regular movies with sex scenes allowed during NoFap / reboot?
Well, if you’re not intentionally seeking out those kinds of movies just to get to see some juicy stuff, and you just happen to see it, then in the right column here it’s totally fine.
But if you’re on the left column here you want to be a bit careful with that, especially in the beginning of your reboot. Now here too, if you just happen to see a scene like that, it’s not like it’s a super bad thing, and I would not count it as a relapse of anything like that, so don’t worry if it has happened.
BUT the fact is if you are addicted to porn, then those scenes can fire up the porn pathways in your brain, and make you relapse, especially in the beginning of your reboot.
And also, if you have PIED, you want to be even more careful with firing up porn pathways. So if you're in the left category here, you might want to check the mature labeling or content rating before choosing a movie to make sure there are no explicit scenes in it.
That’s a good thing for you to do.
So, just for that reason I’m going to put a red “no go” mark here. But that stands more for the beginning part of your reboot. It’s a different matter once you get further along in your journey.
But again, I wouldn’t consider it a relapse if you unintentionally just happened to see some scenes like that, however if you deliberately chose a movie on purpose that you KNOW will have some hot sex scenes in it just to try to get that artificial sexual buzz again, then yes, if you are doing a serious porn reboot that’s an even bigger no no, and in that case I would actually consider it a relapse.
Of course it’s not as bad as binging on real porn, but the general rule when doing real PMO reboot is to avoid firing up the porn pathways in your brain, because they are the ones you want to make weaker and weaker and whiter away and unhook from.
Ok, so what about…
Is dating allowed during a porn reboot?
Dating is of course going to be totally fine in both categories. In fact, in the left column here it is even advisable to date.
Because being close to and interacting with real people will help with the rewiring process. You know in a real pmo you want to rewire your sexual responses away from pixels on a screen towards real life people.
And dating is a good way to do just that. In fact, it can in fact help speed up your recovery.
Now, of course you don’t have to date if you don’t want to. If you rather have a period of time when you just keep working on yourself and your goals, that’s totally fine too.
But since I wanna give you all the facts here in this video and cut out all the BS it is my duty to say that dating during a pmo reboot is fine, and in fact it’s a healthy thing to do.
And speaking about dating, what about using dating apps and dating sites then?...
Can i use dating apps & dating sites during a porn reboot?
Well, I can’t say I recommend them, and the success rate is horrible for men over there, but I can’t directly say that they are not allowed either.
IF you use them correctly.
And by that I mean, just as long as you go on them with the intent of trying to find an interesting person to date, they can be okay.
However, if you start doing more scrolling and looking than looking for a potential date, and you keep jumping rapidly between one hot babe after the other, then you are actually mimicking your porn addiction behavior. And that will fire up your old porn pathways in your brain.
Now, obviously that’s not going to be that much of an issue in the right column, because remember in the right column we’re talking about people who are not addicted, so there are no real porn pathways there.
But for the reason I just laid out I would almost like to put a small red x in the left column here, at least in the beginning phases while you’re extra sensitive to triggers.
Especially if you have PIED, then you need to be extra careful with digital arousing stuff.
Not to mention that the risk of relapse significantly increases if you keep scrolling from one girl to another, because we all know that many of them are presenting themselves in, how shall we say, in a way that exploits their female attributes quite heavily.
But if you think you can use them mindfully, without getting into that seeking, drooling mode, then, once you get a few weeks into your reboot here, you can try to experiment a bit IF you’re able to handle it.
But if you do, I would definitely put some kind of limitation on your use. Like, for example, putting a max use for 45 minutes every other day or something like that. And then stick to that limit.
I did use dating apps back when I was rebooting myself, and I was a heavy porn addict, so that’s why I’m telling you, it can be really difficult to navigate them without relapsing or without firing up the old porn pathways.
So if you’re gonna use them, definitely put some blockers in place and limit your use.
Alright so what about…
Is watching onlyfans allowed during a pmo reboot?
Well right away to the left here I’ll put a BIG no no.
Listen, I honestly don't know everything that’s going on with the onlyfans girls, because luckily I managed to overcome my own addiction before they became popular. Or then I for some reason just never found them, so I don’t even know all the things these girls are doing over there, but from what I’ve heard I can imagine it can be pretty much anything.
Now, some say it can be pretty innocent, with some of the girls sitting there in their underwear chatting with you.
Now, here’s the deal, one of the biggest reasons to do a PMO reboot is so that we can unhook our sexual responses from pixels on a screen and rewire them back to real life people and perhaps at some point get a real life cutie.
So, even if a hot girl is just sitting there in her underwear chatting with you, you are definitely hindering your rewiring process, big time.
As a porn addict, your reptilian brain already thinks all your girlfriends live in your harem, there on the screen - and if the onlyfans girls are chatting and being nice to you, while at the same time sitting there naked, or half naked, then just say no.
It will definitely prevent you from recovering.
Especially if she’s masturbating and perhaps doing something even more than that.
No no no, this one is just such a big “no go” for the left column here.
So, what about the right column where you’re not addicted?
Well, here it’s actually not as bad as with the left column, but remember now, you set out to do NoFap normal mode to try to gain some of the cool NoFap benefits one can get.
Well, one of those benefits is sexual discipline and control over your lust. Because that’s such a strong discipline right there that it will have a direct carryover effect into pretty much any area of your life.
But you won’t be developing that if you engage in every digital arousing opportunity you can think of.
So if you want to do NoFap properly, I would say, stay the hell away from only fans girls. It’s a no no here too.
So what about video games…
Can I play video games during a pmo reboot if they are non-sexual?
Well, to the right here, it’s not going to be a problem at all. And to the left, I will add the OK mark, but with the caveat of moderation."
Now, some of you here may be thinking, but video games can be highly dopaminergic, can that prevent me from recovering my PIED?
It's true that they are dopaminergic, but our innate sexual circuits in the brain are not affected by other dopaminergic activities that are NOT sexual in nature.
So, in terms of PIED, it’s not going to be a problem, just as long as you’re not playing a video game that is focused on sex, or something sexually arousing, because apparently there are sex games out there nowadays as well.
Which is a bit no no, of course. However, the reason I said moderation here is because of the dopamine receptors.
People in the left column are heavily addicted to porn and already have downregulated dopamine receptors in general. Which means that playing 6, 7, or even 8 hours of video games per day will definitely slow down the recovery from desensitization.
Remember, PIED is not just about desensitization, but desensitization is a significant part of addiction.
That’s why we should limit video games and only play in moderation if we are addicted to porn and try to recover our dopamine system.
How about sexual video games then…
Can I play sexual video games when doing a porn reboot?
Well if you just listened to what I said, then you know it’s obviously going to be a super big no no in the left column. But I will also put a no no in the right one here, because again, you are a NoFap warrior who feeds his power and benefits by controlling lust.
That’s how you are feeding your powers.
That’s actually a cool way to look at it. Look at the NoFap warrior as someone who uses tempting stuff for fuel, and then out of that comes his strength and some of his powerful NoFap benefits.
So, the NoFap warrior eats lust for breakfast turning them to superfuel. And by eating, I don’t mean he’s watching or engaging in it, but that he just smiles and keeps on going, completely ignoring any kind of artificial sexual distractions.
And so what about cigarettes and alcohol...
Can I drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes when doing a porn reboot?
Well, obviously I don’t recommend you use unhealthy stuff, but the fact of the matter is, these are non sexual activities that have nothing to do with NoFap. So in the right column I’m still going to put an OK mark for that. But please be moderate with them, of course.
Now, in the left column, again, you have to be a bit more careful because here your dopamine receptors are already compromised. And both smoking and drinking will further hammer those poor receptors of yours.
So if I put a green ok mark here, you have to understand that moderation is key otherwise you will slow down the recovery of your poor dopamine D2 receptors.
Now, as far as PIED goes, yes, it is possible to recover from that even if you smoke a bit and drink a bit on occasion, because again, those do not play specifically on the sexual circuitry in the brain. But you do have to be careful and obviously I do not recommend it.
And so what about all these ASMR videos then. Or sound clips?
Is watching ASMR videos okay during a pmo reboot?
Well, if you are using them in a completely non-sexual way, for example, just for relaxing, then it’s ok.
But you have to be honest with yourself here. Why are you using them?
Because many of these whispering videos can be quite sexually arousing, and if you notice with yourself that that's what you are gravitating to, again, it’s a big no no to the left right here.
And to the right, it’s not that big of a deal really as you don’t have any porn pathways that might fire up, but here too, if you want the strongest benefits of NoFap, just say no.
But since it is actually not that big of a deal to the right here, just for the simplicity I’m gonna put the green mark over here.
But not if we’re talking downright erotic ASMR’s because they are of course a “no go”.
What about testing your erections without using porn…
Is testing my erections ok during a reboot?
Yeah so, if you have PIED, I know from experience that it will be tempting to test your erections to see if you’ve made any progress.
Well, this is okay, as long as you’re not using any artificial arousal material and you don’t test too often.
And I recommend waiting at least 90 days before attempting a test.
And also, consider this: when you test, you often approach it with anxiety and worrying, you know, you go, “Will it work? Is it going to work?”
This mindset isn't ideal for an erection and may not reflect your true progress.
I mean erections are supposed to happen naturally when we’re with someone we like and find cute and when we’re getting aroused. And that is pretty far from you standing in the toilet freaking out about a bit. So, even if the test fails, you might still be in better shape than it indicates. Ok?
What about social media, fitness models, booty shaking videos and so on…
What about social media? Can I watch fitness models when rebooting?
Well, if you just scroll past them and don’t engage, you can still use social media in both columns here. And if it doesn’t make you relapse of course.
But if you start engaging, looking, clicking from girl to girl, again you are going to be activating the same porn mimicking behavior you used to have on a porn site.
This is what we call “porn substitutes” and they will fire up the porn pathways in your brain.
So, in the left column that one is a big no no. But to the right here, you don’t really have any porn pathways to speak of in your brain, I guess I will give you a green mark.
But again, if you really want to take your NoFap journey to the highest level, man, cut out all that kind of crap as well.
So to sum it up, social media is OK just as long as you do not look at all the hot babes out there. And just as long as social media in and of itself doesn’t make you relapse.
What about erotic novels….
Can I read erotic novels when rebooting?
Well this one is easy...
To the left it’s going to be a big no no. Don’t do it. And to the right, it’s not that big of a deal, so it’s allowed in the ri9ght column, but once again, if you want to be a true NoFap warrior, I’d say practice your sexual discipline.
Just stay away and reap the reward.
What about sexting with your girlfriend…
Is sexting with girlfriend okay during a porn reboot?
If you have a long distance relationship, I think this one is ok to do in the right column.
But due to the danger of firing up the old porn pathways in the brain, I would definitely stay away from sexting, in the left column.
Even if it’s with your girlfriend, simply because it is too close to being artificial arousing stuff. Your brain is definitely not going to know the difference.
And by now I think all of you are starting to understand the point here. When in doubt, always say no to artificial arousing stuff and yes to real life, face-to-face situations.
So, if you have a long distance relationship in the left column here, I’d say, why not wait until you can see each other in real life, and then you two can talk all kinds of sex face to face.
Porn induced ED and having sex during reboot...
Alright so I promised we were going to talk about real sex if you have PIED.
Ok, so IF you have PIED, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with real sex or that you somehow are not “allowed” to have it.
But if you have PIED, you might want to take a break from real sex as well - in the beginning of your reboot - because most people tend to recover their PIED faster that way.
And a few people even need that break in order to recover at all.
Now, of course many people recover just fine even if they don’t take a break from sex, but again most people see a faster recovery with a break in the start.
And you could shoot for a break of anywhere between 1-6 months or so.
It’s different for everyone, and during this time you can kiss and you can cuddle and fool around - and also have orgasm-free sex where you go really slow to avoid ejaculating.
But even here, even with the orgasm free sex, if you have PIED I would actually take a break from that one as well during the first 2-6 weeks or so.
To really make sure all the places in the brain that govern your arousal get the rest they need, because with PIED it’s obvious that the brain is saying, “oh man, I really can’t do this any more, I’m exhausted”.
But you have to be able to experiment.
Let’s say you do total abstinence for 4 weeks after which you first try orgasm free sex. Well, if that’s working for you and it doesn’t kill your libido, then you can try to add some ejaculations in the next month.
And if that then kicks you back into another flatline or something like that, then back off with the orgasms once more and just keep it at slow orgasm-free sex for a few more weeks until you try again.
So you have to be willing to experiment and calibrate and see how your libido is doing.
Your life - Your rules...
Alright so even though the title of the video is “What is allowed during a NoFap PMO reboot”, it is still your life and your rules.
But since you guys keep asking me, these are my recommendations to you, based on everything I have seen after having been involved in the PMO addiction community for 12 years now.
Oh and hey guys, speaking of porn pathways and being addicted if you need help with ending your relapse then I highly recommend you check out The 4-Step Porn Crushing System, the best online course for quitting porn. because that course builds on a new revolutionary way to deal with triggers so they lose the effects they have on you.
And check out the video you see right here, if you want to know how I came up with that exact, powerful system that is now helping so many people around the world...
Check out The 4-Step Porn Crushing System, the >>best online course for quitting porn<< here
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