What To Do If You Relapse To Porn (Or Rather, What NOT To Do)
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Did you just relapse to porn?
And now you're wondering what to do about it?
Well, in this video I share what you absolutely should NOT do after a porn addiction relapse.
Let's begin...
What To Do If You Relapse To Porn
It was a Wednesday afternoon in April 2014 and I was on 25 of my PMO reboot.
I had just been into town for some grocery shopping and now I was on my way home to my red little house in the countryside.
On the passenger seat I had my normal food, but in addition to this I also had some donuts, a bit of beer and some potato chips.
Yeah, that was far from being the healthiest shopping bag, and during this reboot streak I had definitely not been that clean in terms of health and other shallow dopamine stuff.
But at least I have always done some form of exercise so when I got home I went into my rooms where I have my training equipment and started my arm workout.
The slippery slope begins...
For some reason, I wasn’t at my best that day. My energy was low, and I cut my gym session short, finishing only half of my usual sets.
Disappointed with myself I opened up my computer to check my online rebooting journal, but before I got there I quickly checked my emails.
Mostly spam as usual, but one email stood out, so I opened it.
It was from a bodybuilding site I was subscribed to at the time, and, foolishly, I clicked a link inside.
That link took me to another site with supplement tips, and of course in the sidebar of that site there were some hot fitness girls.
Well, before I knew it I clicked one of those and that in turn took me to an even more tempting site and from there on out I was already inside the slipper addiction slope and…
…well, 4 hours later I was even more disappointed in myself because I had just relapsed hard, hopelessly lost on all kinds of streaming hardcore tube sites.
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Anxiety hits hard...
I have always suffered from anxiety, and during my porn addiction days, it was significantly worse. The night after this relapse, my anxiety was so intense that I couldn't fall asleep.
The morning after, my anxiety was so overwhelming that I called in sick to work. I lied, saying I had the stomach flu and that it would be best for me to stay home for the rest of the week.
And now I was even disgusted with myself for lying and my self esteem plummeted even further.
Overcompensating after a porn relapse...
In a desperate attempt to try to make up for this I started making a plan for my next rebooting streak. God damn it, it was time for me to become a healthy beast with discipline, integrity and self respect.
I decided that I was going to start each morning by...
- Going for a 5 mile run.
- Take a cold shower.
- Meditate for 20 minutes before I go to work.
- AFTER work I’m going to have a gym workout.
- Read 90 minutes of self help stuff every single day.
- Learn to cook a new dish every day for 30 days straight.
And what do you guys know…
I actually did all of these things, every single day…
For 3 whole days after which I started slacking off, feeling even more disappointed in myself for being lazy and then relapsing a couple of days later because I needed an escape.
This is a perfect example of what not to do after a relapse.
What NOT to do after a porn relapse...
Now, while some details might be a little blurry, the lesson is clear—and I made similar mistakes many times during my seven-year struggle with relapses.
Putting your life on hold...
You don’t call in sick or cancel any kind of plans you’ve made, because what you’re doing then is training your brain to “put your life on hold” until you reach a certain number of days or whatever your rebooting goal is.
This is NOT a good thing because of many reasons, one of them being that many addicts, and I’m talking about all kinds of addictions here, are going to have sporadic relapses throughout their entire life.
That’s just a statistical fact.
Now, don’t freak out when you hear that, because they might be relapsing so rarely that they can still have a wonderful life, because they have improved so much compared to where they came from.
And those sporadic relapses are happening so rarely that they can still have a healthy and functional brain.
BUT imagine now that those guys were to put their entire life on hold in whatever way...
Maybe it’s with dating, maybe taking some new classes, starting a business, changing jobs and on and on - and they had the philosophy to first get 100% rid of their relapses before they give themselves permission to dare try to do any of those.
In other words, they put their entire life on hold.
And imagine then, guys who keep relapsing sporadically over their entire life…
That would mean that they basically miss their entire life. EVEN though they relapsed so rarely that they could have been living to 98% of their full capacity.
Uffff, no that is a very scary thought, wouldn’t you agree?
So please guys, trust me when I say, do NOT let relapses put your life on hold in any way shape or form.
The super-streak trap...
The other lesson from this story is of course to avoid the temptation of creating a super streak that is way too strict as a desperate attempt to try to compensate for feeling bad about yourself.
Sure you should always aim to improve, but if you’re coming from a position of already being lazy, using a lot of cheap dopamine and shaking your way through life, you can’t go from zero to 100 overnight.
Yes, you should exercise and improve yourself in every way you wish, but you have to build up the amount of self improvement stuff, slowly, week by week.
You don’t go into the gym and start doing reps with 250 pounds on the bench press if you’re not used to the gym.
Ok, so I hope you found my story helpful, if you did, consider subscribing for more.
This is Scandinavian Bob signing out for today, subscribe for more and I’ll see you in the next one.
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