Why Do I Keep Relapsing To Porn When Stressed? (Consider This)

nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction

 The free guide I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering why it's so hard to stay strong on your no porn journey?

And why you keep relapsing back to porn as soon as you're stressed?

Well if so, today's content is exactly what you need to see.

Let's begin...

Why Do I Keep Relapsing To Porn When Stressed? 

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

Today I want to talk about one of the biggest relapse traps there is on NoFap.

There are so many people who fall for this one, and before we even start let me just tell you that I struggled so much with this myself so what I’m about to tell you comes from a real place of sympathy and not any finger pointing at all.

But I really wish you hear me out here, because I truly believe that hearing this will be helpful for you.

Ok so here’s the deal…

Stress and setbacks can trigger a porn relapse...

When you’re rebooting and you want to quit fapping to p**n it is so easy to slip back to your old habits as soon as you have a day where you’re extra stressed or have some kind of setback in life.

But the thing is,we can’t allow ourselves to justify a relapse as stress reduction when bad things happen in life. 

Because there will always be stress and setbacks, both minor and major. That’s just the nature of life.

So what you need to do is to remind yourself that it’s in those moments when real rebooting happens—and that should also trigger your fighting spirit. 

The beauty of finding victory in setbacks...

This way, you can also find victory in setbacks you have in life. 

Each time something bad happens, and you don’t escape into p**n, view that as a major win. 

Then, start collecting those kinds of wins. One by one.

Can you see the mindset shift there?

I think you can, because it's almost our default state to go…

“Oh man, life sucks so bad right now when this happened that I might as well use some adult sites right now”


“What the hell, I’m never going to get a GF anyway so what does it matter if I destroy my boners with some more corn right now”

Once you have made the decision to quit watching porn...

But the thing is, once you have decided that you want to give up the porn, that is then the true you, and everything else, all those instant justifications, are just addict lies that will only make your situation worse.

Because I’m telling you, when you wake up the following day, and you didn’t relapse and you used this new mindset in the face of the misery or setback, you will then go...

“Hey, even though it sucks right now” 


“Even though yesterday sucked so bad, at least I was true to myself and I did not break my intentions”

And no matter what kind of sucky situation you’re in, you can find pride in that. And at least that feels kind of good and you also boost your self-esteem that way.

Whereas if you give in and you relapse on top of all the other misery, well, now your self esteem drops and you feel even worse the following day.

Finding glory in the suffering...

You know, I laughed so hard when I heard Jordan Peterson say the following words, and I wish I could take credit for them, because they are so good, but I can’t.  

He said, “There’s this idea that hell is a bottomless pit and that’s because no matter how bad things get, some stupid son of a bitch like you can always figure out a way to make it a lot worse”.

And the reason for why I laughed was of course because I recognized myself so well in that very phrase right there. 

Alright and so if you want to quit using adult websites, and you haven’t already, I highly recommend you download my FREE 90 Day No PMO Advice And Tool Guide below...

Feeling stuck? You can transform your life in 13 weeks OR LESS by Downloading my FREE guide below...

And speaking of 90 days, click on the video right here, if you want to know if 90 days is a must to be cured on NoFap ==> Is 90 Days a must to be cured on NoFap

Thanks for reading!


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