How To Heal The Brain After Porn Addiction (Understand This Graph) dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Wondering how to heal the brain after quitting porn?

Well, if so, you just found the right page. 

This is part 2 in my series on how to recover faster after a porn addiction.

You might want to grab a cup of coffee and stay for a while,...

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How To Upregulate Dopamine Receptors After Addiction dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction

The Dopamine Fasting course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you wondering how to upregulate your dopamine receptors after porn addiction?

Or after any addiction?

Or how to upregulate your dopamine receptors in...

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Dopamine And Social Media Clicking (Porn is The Worst) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors low dopamine pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you worrying about how clicking and scrolling on all those social media platforms can make us lazy procrastinators?

And if porn might be even worse than social...

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Social Media And Dopamine (Avoid Getting Numb & Desensitized) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors general self-improvement low dopamine

The quiz I talk about in the end of the video can be found right here...

Are you worried about how your internet use is affecting your dopamine system?

And how to not get desensitized by all that social media scrolling?

Well, if so, today's...

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Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My Dopamine? (Watch This) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering if having an AI girlfriend could be bad for your dopamine system?

Well, the short answer is, it depends. 

The longer answer is a bit more complex. 

Stay with me here...

Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My...

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Dopamine Fasting & its Effects On Addiction (Dopamine Fasting Helps?) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors pmo addiction

Are you curious about dopamine fasting and its effects on addiction? 

  • Can dopamine fasting help you overcome addictions?
  • Can dopamine fasting  help you stop relapsing 
  • And can dopamine fasting even help speed up recovery after an...
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Can Dopamine Fasting Help With Depression & Anxiety? (It's Good) dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Note: the online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Wondering if dopamine fasting can help with anxiety?

Or, can dopamine fasting help with depression?

How about pain? Can a dopamine fast help to reduce pain?


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Are YouTube Shorts And Social Media Reels Bad For Your Dopamine? dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Are you wondering if Instagram reels are bad for your dopamine?

Or if YouTube shorts are bad for your dopamine system?

What about TikTok or Facebook reels?

Well, I thought I'd share a newsletter I sent to my Subscribers as an email here, in...

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Diets And Your Dopamine System (What Foods Are Worst / Best?) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

The following vide and blog post is a short snippet from my online course Dopamine Focused Fasting.

The course will feature 5 different fasting protocols, and about 35 videos in total.

Two of the fasting protocols also have a scoring system,...

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Dopamine Receptor Desensitization From Watching Porn (Looks Like This) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors

What does desensitization from watching too much porn look like?

Well, today's blog post is going to be about dopamine receptor desensitization from watching too much porn, or just from indulging in too much instant supernormal stimuli i n...

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How To Know If You Have Low Dopamine Levels Caused By Porn Addiction? dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Note: you ca find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post. 

Wondering how to know if you have low dopamine levels caused by porn addiction?

Or how do you know if porn has caused dopamine problems?


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Natural Rewards & Their Effects On Your Dopamine System (Correct Way) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors general self-improvement

Wondering about natural rewards and their effects on your dopamine system?

How they are better versus instant rewards and dopamine?

Well, then today's content is going to be a must for you. 

Stay with me here...

Natural Rewards And Their...

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Dopamine & Dopamine Receptors Decline With Age (Prevent it Like This) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Wondering if dopamine receptors decline with age?

In other words, if we get less dopamine receptors as we get older?

Or if dopamine declines with age?

Well, say with me here, because this is the subject of today's content...

Dopamine &...

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Dopamine Detox Alternatives (If You Can't Do A Full Fast) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Curious about dopamine detox alternatives?

As in, what good can I do for my dopamine system without completely depriving myself of all dopamine activities?

Well, this post is about a dopamine detox alternative for you to consider.

Check this...

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How My Dopamine Detox Increased Attraction (3 Dopamine Hacks) dopamine dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

Curious about whether or not a dopamine detox can increase attraction?

Well today I'm sharing my personal experience with exactly that.

Stay with me here because this might just blow you mind...

How My Dopamine Detox Increased Attraction (3...

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Dopamine Desensitization From Social Media Makes Your Life Boring dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors

Wondering about how dopamine desensitization from social media and other super stimulating things can affect your mood?

And not just mood, but your life?

Could it be making your life more gray and boring?

Well, this is what we are talking...

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Dopamine Fasting And Its Effect On Anxiety (Richard Solomon's Graph) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Are you curious about dopamine fasting and its effects on anxiety?

Or how depriving yourself of instant pleasures, and even adding a bit of painful stuff can make you more resilient, tougher and better able to withstand the test of life?

If so,...

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Social Media & Your Dopamine Receptors (7 Ways To Fine Tune Dopamine) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Note: you can find links to what I mention in the end of the video further down in the post

Are you wondering how you can fine tune your dopamine system by avoiding certain things in your day to day life? 

Curious about social media and your...

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Porn Addiction & Richard Solomon's Opponent Process (And More) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors hormesis and dopamine

Are you familiar with the term "hedonic reversal"?

What about the opponent process that takes place after we present our brain and nervous system to a stimuli?

Well, today we are going to talk about something called Richard Solomon's...

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Are The Benefits Of Quitting Porn Just Placebo? (Look Here) dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors no pmo nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

There are guys out there who try quitting porn, and they do not really feel any strong benefits. And naturally they then start questioning all the hype surrounding NoFap and quitting porn. 

Well, there can be...

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What To Do When Dopamine Fasting? (3 Part Series) dopamine dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

This blog post has two more videos embedded down in the article, so make sure to open up the whole post in order to not miss any parts. 

The theme of the series is...

  • What to do when dopamine fasting
  • How to do a dopamine fast
  • How to stay...
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Does Low Dopamine Increase Risk Of Relapse To Addiction? dopamine dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors low dopamine porn relapse

Did you know that if your dopamine levels are low it will increase your risk of relapsing to an addiction?

Or relapsing to a bad habit you're trying to stay away from.

And even if you're not addicted to anything, yet, low dopamine levels make you...

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Can Dopamine Detox Help Low Dopamine? (Part 2-Dopamine Hack) dopamine dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Welcome to part 2 in the dopamine series. In this part we are going to look at some clever ways to increase dopamine naturally and you might want to stay to the end because we will cover a lot here. 

NOTE: This video is a few years old....

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Different Ways Of Doing A Dopamine Detox (Intermittent Style) dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

Instead of doing a hard dopamine fast, you should know that there are many different ways of doing a dopamine detox. 

Why not try intermittent dopamine fasting, for example?

Here are some of the benefits that many people notice, even if not...

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