Dopamine And Social Media Clicking (Porn is The Worst) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors low dopamine pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you worrying about how clicking and scrolling on all those social media platforms can make us lazy procrastinators?

And if porn might be even worse than social medi...

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Social Media And Dopamine (Avoid Getting Numb & Desensitized) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors general self-improvement low dopamine

The quiz I talk about in the end of the video can be found right here...

Are you worried about how your internet use is affecting your dopamine system?

And how to not get desensitized by all that social media scrolling?

Well, if so, today's con...

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Should I Push Myself Hard Even on Days When I Have Low Dopamine? dopamine healthy habits low dopamine

Ah, those low dopamine days.

How nasty they can be.

So, what do we do on those days when it seems impossible to get any productive work done?

I mean, those days when we completely lack any form of energy and it's almost like we have a physical bar...

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Can Quitting Porn Give You Withdrawals? (Poll Plus Experiences From Guys) low dopamine pmo addiction porn withdrawals porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you curious and wondering, "can quitting porn really give you withdrawal symptoms?"

Is it really that potent?

Well, the short answer is, yes quitting porn can give you withdrawals symptoms. 

But let's take a closer look at what guys have be...

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What Would Happen If You Had No Dopamine (Or Very Low Dopamine Levels) dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Note: you can find links further down in the post (to what I mention in the end of the video)

Wondering what would happen if we had no dopamine at all?

Or, if we and extremely low levels? 

Would we even be able to function at all?

Today's post...

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How To Maintain Dopamine Fasting Results With Social Media & Internet? dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits general self-improvement low dopamine

Wondering how to maintain your dopamine fasting results when we're all using social media and internet?

Or just how to navigate the internet without desensitizing yourself in general?

Well, this article is about how to maintain your dopamine det...

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Lost My Drive & Motivation After Quitting Porn (Feeling Low) low dopamine no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: if interested, you can find a full review of the cours I mention later on in the video by clicking right here >>Good online course for quitting porn<<

How you recently quit porn, only to lose your drive and motivation?

Are you suffering fr...

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AlphaViril Review (This is What it Did To me) dopamine general self-improvement low dopamine testosterone

Note: you can find links further down in the article...

In this video / blog post I share my experience with AlphaViril. 

The libido, dopamine and testosterone booster. 

What did it do for me?

Well, take a look at my AlphaViril review...


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Does Low Dopamine Make You More Prone To Addictions? (Ouch!) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits low dopamine

 This video / post is the second part in the series, low dopamine increase risk of addiction. i

You can find part one here.

But just to get you up to speed, yes low dopamine levels can indeed make you more prone to addiction.

So let's talk abou...

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Does Low Dopamine Increase Risk Of Relapse To Addiction? dopamine dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors low dopamine porn relapse

Did you know that if your dopamine levels are low it will increase your risk of relapsing to an addiction?

Or relapsing to a bad habit you're trying to stay away from.

And even if you're not addicted to anything, yet, low dopamine levels make yo...

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Porn Reboot Relapse (Two Different Types Of PMO Relapses) dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Looking for info on porn reboot relapses?

Well you're in the right place. 

There are many kinds of PMO reboot relapses, but today we are going to talk about two of them with the main focus on the second one, which is a nasty one that tends to ha...

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