Dopamine Detox Alternatives (If You Can't Do A Full Fast) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Curious about dopamine detox alternatives?

As in, what good can I do for my dopamine system without completely depriving myself of all dopamine activities?

Well, this post is about a dopamine detox alternative for you to consider.

Check this...

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Dopamine & Dopamine Receptors Decline With Age (Prevent it Like This) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Wondering if dopamine receptors decline with age?

In other words, if we get less dopamine receptors as we get older?

Or if dopamine declines with age?

Well, say with me here, because this is the subject of today's content...

Dopamine &...

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Dopamine Fasting And Its Effect On Anxiety (Richard Solomon's Graph) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors porn-addiction

Are you curious about dopamine fasting and its effects on anxiety?

Or how depriving yourself of instant pleasures, and even adding a bit of painful stuff can make you more resilient, tougher and better able to withstand the test of life?

If so,...

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When Do We Get Dopamine Cravings? (When Seeing Trigger?) dopamine dopamine desensitization

 Note: you can find links further down in the post (to what I'm talking about in the video)

Curious about when we get dopamine cravings? Just exactly when does it happen, and why?

And, is there anything we can do about it? Especially when if...

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Let Serotonin Help Reset Your Dopamine (Try This Out) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits

Did you know that serotonin helps reset your dopamine?

This is why it would be smart to divide your day into being more dopamine driven during the first part of your day while making the second half be more serotonin focused.


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What Would Happen If You Had No Dopamine (Or Very Low Dopamine Levels) dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Note: you can find links further down in the post (to what I mention in the end of the video)

Wondering what would happen if we had no dopamine at all?

Or, if we and extremely low levels? 

Would we even be able to function at all?


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Social Media & Your Dopamine Receptors (7 Ways To Fine Tune Dopamine) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors

Note: you can find links to what I mention in the end of the video further down in the post

Are you wondering how you can fine tune your dopamine system by avoiding certain things in your day to day life? 

Curious about social media and your...

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How To Maintain Dopamine Fasting Results With Social Media & Internet? dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine healthy habits general self-improvement low dopamine

Wondering how to maintain your dopamine fasting results when we're all using social media and internet?

Or just how to navigate the internet without desensitizing yourself in general?

Well, this article is about how to maintain your dopamine...

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NoFap & Porn Addiction How To Speed Up Recovery dopamine dopamine desensitization pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

 Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the text below...

Wondering if there are any things yo can do to help speed up your NoFap recovery?

Or to help speed up the brain recovery after porn addiction?...

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How Watching Porn Makes You More Shy And Less Alpha (Scientific Link) dopamine desensitization nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn the negative effects of porn

Have you ever wondered why so many guys who are doing NoFap seem to become way more confident?

Or if porn makes you more shy, more socially anxious and less "alpha"?

Notice that I put "alpha" in quotation marks because the term in and of itself...

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Scrolling On Phone in Bed is Bad For Your Dopamine (Check This Out) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits

Wondering if using your phone in bed at night is bad for your dopamine?

Well, today we are going to talk about that plus 2 other bad habits you should consider giving up as soon as humanly possible.

Let's begin...

Scrolling On Phone in Bed is Bad...

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Porn Addiction & Richard Solomon's Opponent Process (And More) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors hormesis and dopamine

Are you familiar with the term "hedonic reversal"?

What about the opponent process that takes place after we present our brain and nervous system to a stimuli?

Well, today we are going to talk about something called Richard Solomon's...

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How Much Technology Can Your Brain Handle? (Dopamine Stimulation) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine healthy habits

Scandinavian Bob here hi, today we are going to talk about technology’s impact on the brain. 

Those of you who have been following me for a while know that I often talk about the reward system in our brain and how it can become...

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7 Things You Can Do To Speed Up NoFap / Porn Addiction Recovery dopamine desensitization no pmo nofap benefits pied recovery quitting porn

Is it possible to speed up NoFap / porn recovery?

Indeed it is. 

At least if you compare a pmo rebooter that does nothing else than play video games, watch Netflic and eat junk food, with a rebooter that does everything mentioned in this...

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Does Low Dopamine Make You More Prone To Addictions? (Ouch!) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine healthy habits low dopamine

 This video / post is the second part in the series, low dopamine increase risk of addiction. i

You can find part one here.

But just to get you up to speed, yes low dopamine levels can indeed make you more prone to addiction.

So let's talk...

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Different Ways Of Doing A Dopamine Detox (Intermittent Style) dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

Instead of doing a hard dopamine fast, you should know that there are many different ways of doing a dopamine detox. 

Why not try intermittent dopamine fasting, for example?

Here are some of the benefits that many people notice, even if not...

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Porn Reboot Relapse (Two Different Types Of PMO Relapses) dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Looking for info on porn reboot relapses?

Well you're in the right place. 

There are many kinds of PMO reboot relapses, but today we are going to talk about two of them with the main focus on the second one, which is a nasty one that tends...

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Will NoFap Give You Success? (Scientific Link) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting no pmo nofap nofap benefits

So, can NoFap make you successful?

Will NoFap give you success?

Today we are going to talk about NoFap and dopamine and during the video you will discover why men who really take NoFap seriously can become successful in life.

So really try to...

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