Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post...
Wondering why guys are quitting porn and doing NoFap?
What all the different reasons guys have for doing so?
As in, there must be several...
Wondering if quitting porn or NoFap is going to be worth it?
Since the road to getting there seems to be rocky, to say the least?
Well, if this is you, you need to watch today's video...
Is Quitting Porn And NoFap Worth it For Me?
Are you having a lot of anxiety during your PMO reboot?
Wondering how to deal with anxiety during NoFap?
Well, today we are going to take a look at a cool little anxiety technique that can be of great help as you're stumbling uphill on...
Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the text...
Curious about NoFap hardmode?
If NoFap hard more is the best or only way to go about it?
What's the difference between NoFap...
Are you doing a porn reboot and now you are wondering...
- What about looking at pictures when quitting porn / being on NoFap?
- Will looking at pictures slow down my reboot?
- Is looking ar pictures okay if you have a porn addiction?
...well, here...
Wondering how you can tell if your porn reboot is working?
How to tell if NoFap is working?
Or perhaps you're more interested in how to know if semen retention is working for you?
Well, all of those are going to get answered in today's blog /...
Note: Follow along in the text below to find links to things I mention in the video...
Are you wondering how you can stop watching porn when you're feeling lonely?
It's a good question, because loneliness is actually one of the biggest porn...
Wondering if quitting porn will be worth it for you?
What if NoFap / quitting porn won't work?
Well, here's what to do...
- Watch the video...
- Sign up to Audible here
- Look for "Can't Hurt Me", by David Goggins
- Start kicking ass in life ;)
What If...
Today we are going to take a look at some frequently asked questions about PMO rebooting.
For example...
- Is it okay to look at pictures / videos of girlfriend masturbating during a reboot?
- One single tip for overcoming a pmo addiction?
- If I can...
Note: The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.
Are you longing for the day when you finally will be free from your porn addiction?
Well, if so, I have good news for you.
You don't have to wait.
Look, it's...
Note: if interested, you can find a full review of the cours I mention later on in the video by clicking right here >>Good online course for quitting porn<<
How you recently quit porn, only to lose your drive and motivation?...
Are you wondering just exactly how bad it is to relapse when you're doing NoFap or trying to quit porn?
If relapsing back to porn is really bad if it happen, say once or twice a month?
Just exactly how bad is relapsing on NoFap?
Well, this is...
Have you heard about the term "hardmode"? when it comes to giving up porn and NoFap?
Well, today I'm going to talk a bit more about this "NoFap hardmode" mentality.
Let's begin...
NoFap Hard-Mode
As you know, guys like to invent different terms...
Note: you can read a full review of the course I mention in the video here => Dopamine Discipline Review
Are you wondering how you can stop watching porn after your workday is over?
Well, if so, there is one things you need to be aware of.
Scandinavian Bob here, hi!
There are guys out there who try quitting porn, and they do not really feel any strong benefits. And naturally they then start questioning all the hype surrounding NoFap and quitting porn.
Well, there can be...
Wondering how to stay committed when trying to quit porn?
How to stay motivated?
Well, here's a little NoFap / no porn motivation for you...
How to stay committed when quitting porn
Scandinavian Bob here hi, are interested in NoFap and...
Can quitting porn help with anxiety?
Well, if you have social anxiety and you're a frequent porn user, you might want to take a loot at today's content.
We are going to take a deeper dive into whether or not stopping porn can help reduce...
Wondering how to stop watching porn at night?
Or how to stop watching porn at any time of the day, really?
Well, if so, you gotta check today's blog post out.
Let's start...
How to stop watching porn at night...
Scandinavian Bob here with some...
Scandinavian Bob here hi,
Today we are going to look at 3 mistakes many guys make after a porn relapse and these are big mistakes.
So, if you recognize yourself in some of them, do your best to stop doing them right away because they will...
Have you been doing no porn for one month, and now you have some questions about where you're at in your journey?
Well, is so, you've come to the right place because today I'm answering questions guys commonly have after about 30 days without...
Note: you can find a full review of the online course and webinar I'm mentioning in the end of the video by clicking here >> Dopamine Discipline Review.
So, today we are going to take a closer look at my personal no pmo rules...
Scandinavian Bob here hi,
Today we are going to do something special. I’m just going to answer some common questions I get and I’m going to try to use short answers.
It will be a combination of rebooting questions and other questions...
Scandinavian Bob here hi,
Everyone will have to go through some hard times during their quitting pmo journey.
Well, maybe I shouldn’t say everyone as there are always some lucky son of a bitch that seem to have smooth sailing...
Dating and NoFap, is it a good idea to date during NoFap or not?
Well, this is what we are going to talk about today and in the second half of the video I’m also going to give my opinion on whether or not I think NoFap helps with attracting...