What Can I Substitute For Porn To Feel Good Right NOW? no pmo pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course i mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Have you quit using porn and now you are wondering if there is anything else, besides porn that you could use in order to feel good?

I.e. since we can no longer get ple...

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Why Do I Keep Clicking On New Porn Videos? (Here's The Deal) dopamine dopamine desensitization no pmo porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

The quitting porn course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Curious about why you constantly keep clicking to a new porn clip while on an adult website?

Why you don't even stay one single minute on the same video?

Well, ...

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Benefits Of Taking A Break From Porn (Study Finds Real Benefits) no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn semen retention

Wondering if there are any benefits of taking a break from porn?

Well if so, you found the right page because today we are going to take a look at the results from a real study, investigating this.

So hit play right now and stay for a while beca...

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NoFap / No Porn / Retention Levels (How To Get To The Highest One) no pmo nofap pmo addiction quitting porn semen retention

Are you wondering about NoFap levels?

What the highest NoFap levels is?

Or how to get to the highest NoFap level?

Well, let's take a look...

NoFap / No Porn /  Retention Levels (How To Get To The Highest One)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.


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Feeling Lonely When Doing NoFap (Try This Out) no pmo nofap quitting porn

Have you embarked on the NoFap journey only to start feeling more lonely?

Well this is actually pretty common. 

So much so that I decided to make a post about it. 

Let's jump in and take a look at what to do about it.

Feeling Lonely When Doing...

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NoFap Energy (Unbelievable Energy Increase) no pmo nofap benefits nofap relapse

Are you curious about the NoFap energy?

Or more accurately the NoFap energy increase you can start experiencing when embarking on a journey.

Well if so, stay with me here because today I'm talking about how your natural urges are related to that...

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Using The "Right" Reward To Overcome A Porn Addiction no pmo nofap porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if you should reward yourself or not in order to overcome a porn addiction?

As in, when you reach a certain milestone, should you then treat yourself to something special?

Well, let's take a look at this...

Using The "Right" Reward To...

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NoFap Day 14 (Depressed or Turning point After Quitting Porn?) no pmo nofap nofap benefits nofap flatline pmo reboot quitting porn

Are you on NoFap day 14 right now?

And are you feeling depressed?

Well, today we are going to talk about NoFap day 14 depression and the two week turning point.

Let's begin...

NoFap Day 14 - Depressed or Turning point?

Scandinavian Bob here, ...

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Are NoFap / Retention Powers Real? (Superpowers) no pmo nofap benefits retention energy semen retention

Wondering if the NoFap superpowers are real?

Or if the semen retention powers are real?

Well, if so, this is the article for you.

Let's begin...

Are NoFap / Retention Powers Real? (Superpowers)

Scandinavian Bob here, hi!

Ok ok, I admit. As a...

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How Stress increases The Risk Of Porn Addiction (Dopamine And Stress) no pmo porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: if you want to learn ore about the cours I mention in the end of the video, you can take a look at my article, A good online course for overcoming porn addiction

Wondering about the relationship between stress, dopamine and addiction?

And ...

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Benefits Of Giving Up Porn Just Placebo? (Medical Student Says No) no pmo nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if the benefits of giving up porn are just placebo?

Is NoFap placebo?

Well, if so, stay with me to the end here because this is what we're going to talk about today...

Benefits Of Giving Up Porn Just Placebo? 

Scandinavian Bob here h...

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PMO Recovery Tips (This is a Trap) no pmo nofap

If you’ve been following PMO recovery YouTubers for a while you have probably come across the advice that if you happen to relapse you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it.

At least if you’ve been following smart reboot coaches because that advice...

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NoFap - Giving Up (They Gave Up - Only To Regret it Later) no pmo nofap

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Thinking About Giving Up On NoFap?

Today, I want to talk a bit about giving up on NoFap. Because I think what I’m about to say is something that needs to be talked about. 

And by the way, just to avoid getting off on t...

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NoFap Streaks Getting Shorter (This Might Be The Reason) no pmo nofap nofap benefits quitting porn

Are you wondering why your NoFap streaks are getting shorter?

Well, today we are going to talk about a common mistake guys make that will make their next streak all but long on productive. 

Let's take a look...

NoFap Streaks Getting Shorter


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My Experience With Confidence From Quitting Porn & NoFap (Watch Out) no pmo nofap nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Curious about NoFap and confidence?

And if quitting porn and going on a NoFap journey actually can increase your confidence to very high levels?

Well, today I'm sharing my one of my own stories where I talk a bit about my personal experience wit...

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Overcoming Porn Addiction While Doing Other Unhealthy Things (Oh-No) no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

Curious if it's possible to overcome a porn addiction while you keep clinging on to other low value dopamine activities in life?

Or, don't engage in any productive habits at all?

Well, it's certainly a big trap.

Let's talk about it...


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Is No Nut November Actually A Good idea? (Check This Out) no nut november no pmo nofap

Wondering if no nut November is a good idea or not?

Is there something to this challenge or is this whole no nut November just a stupid joke?

Well, stay with mer here while we take a closer look...

Is No Nut November Actually A Good idea? 


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How To Recover Brain After Porn Addiction (7 Tips To Speed Things Up) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine detox dopamine fasting no pmo pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can fins links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post!

Wondering if your brain can recover after a porn addiction?

Or just exactly how to recover your brain after porn addiction?

Or maybe you are wo...

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How To Build Up Longer Streaks On NoFap / No PMO no pmo nofap quitting porn

Wondering how to be able to get to longer streaks on NoFap?

How do we build up longer NoFap streaks?

Well today's content is going to be about building longer streaks when rebooting or doing NoFap, so you might want to stay with me until the end...

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Relapsing After 90 Days Of NoFap / Quitting Porn (What Happens Then?) no pmo nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post

Wondering what happens if you relapse after 90 days of NoFap?

How bad is it if you relapse after having gone 90 days without porn?

What happens ...

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Having The Right Mindset When Wanting To Quit Using Porn no pmo nofap nofap relapse pmo addiction pmo reboot porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the article...

Having the right mindset when getting off porn is super important.

Today we are going to take a look at how you must change the way you vie...

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How Do I Know I'm Recovered From Porn Addiction? (And Rebooting) no pmo nofap pmo reboot porn-addiction

Wondering how to know if you're fully recovered from porn addiction?

Of how to know if you're recovered from your porn / pmo reboot?

Well today's video is about porn addiction and pmo reboot recovery signs, so you might want to stick to the end ...

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3 Signs: Why You Are Failing NoFap (Without Even Knowing it) no pmo nofap nofap relapse

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the video further down in the article

Wondering why you fail at NoFap?

Or how to not fail at NoFap?

Well, you could start by reading this post because it is about hidden mistakes you make, t...

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What is A Good NoFap Streak? (It looks Like This) no pmo nofap pmo reboot

Note: you can find links to what I'm talking about in the end of the video further down in the post...

Wondering what a good NoFap streak looks like?

What is a good NoFap streak length?

Well, this video might make you think about your NoFap jou...

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