NoFap - Should I Reset? (This is When You Reset On NoFap) nofap relapse porn relapse

Are you wondering when to reset on NoFap?

Did you just do something that you're not entirely sure if it counts as a relapse or not?

And now you are wondering, should I reset or not?

Well, if so, you are in the right place, because today we are...

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Stress + Loneliness Are Big Porn Relapse Triggers (Watch This) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Wondering if stress or loneliness are porn addiction relapse triggers?

Indeed they are!

In fact, stress and loneliness are one of the biggest triggers ever when it comes to your porn addiction.

Check it out...

Stress + Loneliness Are Big Porn...

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3 Mistakes You Make After A Porn Addiction Relapse (Avoid These) no pmo pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to look at 3 mistakes many guys make after a porn relapse and these are big mistakes.

So, if you recognize yourself in some of them, do your best to stop doing them right away because they will...

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Porn Relapse At Night Or Later In The Day (3 Warning Signs) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

This video is going to be pretty short, but it’s still an important one as I want to share something I discovered a couple of years ago, back when I was still relapsing to porn myself. 

It took me some time before I started to put all...

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Avoiding Porn Addiction Triggers (Corridors of Doom) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

The free webinar I talk about in the end of the video is no longer available, but you can sign up and get a free consultation call from the creator of the HCT method, or one of his lead coaches. They'll help you...

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Porn Addiction, Stress, Dopamine & Your Prefrontal Cortex porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today I’m going to share a ridiculously simple Nofap trick and IF you make a daily habit out of this I can guarantee that it will drastically reduce your relapse frequencies. 

But you have to create a routine...

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The #1 Porn Addiction Relapse Mistake (You Are Currently Making) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

A porn addiction relapse is almost a guarantee, IF you are doing this!

Scandinavian Bob here hi, ok so let’s talk about the absolute biggest mistake guys when trying to quit a porn addiction and that is not planning your day and then...

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Is Edging A Relapse During NoFap / PMO Reboot? (You Need To Know This) nofap relapse porn relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

NoFap edging.

Is it a relapse or is edging a good or a bad idea when doing pmo reboot?

Well, by definition, a relapse is when you break a rule you have set for yourself and you fall back into your former self, and as I...

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How To Stay Strong And Not Relapse During A Porn Reboot? porn relapse porn-addiction

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

Today we are going to talk about three things that are very important for staying strong and not relapsing during a porn reboot / NoFap journey.

I consider these to be the basics really, yet so many guys neglect them....

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How To Recover After a Porn / NoFap Relapse (Recovery Protocol) no pmo nofap porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

This video / blog post is about how to recover after a porn relapse.

Or perhaps more accurate, how to get back on track in a good way and how to recover quicker after a NoFap / porn relapse.

Let's jump in and take a look...

How to recover...

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How To Deal With Porn Addiction Triggers (Face or Avoid Them?) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

How do you deal with porn addiction triggers?

This video / blog post is about PMO addiction triggers and whether or not we should avoid all kinds of triggers or try to learn how to master the art of facing...

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NoFap Long Streak Benefits (You Must Honor ALL Of Your Streaks) nofap benefits nofap relapse porn relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi.

This video is going to be a pretty short one, but if you're doing NoFap it’s still an important one so if you are that kind of person who has a short attention span, really try your best to focus for the whole...

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Does Low Dopamine Increase Risk Of Relapse To Addiction? dopamine dopamine healthy habits dopamine receptors low dopamine porn relapse

Did you know that if your dopamine levels are low it will increase your risk of relapsing to an addiction?

Or relapsing to a bad habit you're trying to stay away from.

And even if you're not addicted to anything, yet, low dopamine levels make you...

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Should You Count Days on NoFap / When You Quit Porn? (Unexpected) no pmo nofap nofap relapse porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Counting days on NoFap!

Should you count days on NoFap?

Well in today’s video / blog post we will take a look at 3 different ways to keep track of your NoFap / quitting porn progress.

And I will of course also share my opinion on the...

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PMO Addiction Relapse Lies (Your Brain Keeps Telling You) porn relapse porn-addiction

Today we are going to talk about something important.

Well, it's important if you have a porn addiction, because the subject is: PMO addiction relapse lies

In other words, we are going to talk about that little voice you hear in the back of...

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Why Do I Keep Relapsing on NoFap? (Here's Your Solution) nofap nofap relapse porn relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

I just want to make a really short video / blog post, sharing something important about nofap.

I get so many emails from guys asking for advice, asking why do I keep relapsing on NoFap? 

Now, because I want to...

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NoFap - How To Get Back On Track When Your'e Stuck In A Relapse Cycle nofap nofap relapse porn relapse

Are you stuck on  a relapse cycle on NoFap?

Are stuck in a cycle of binge relapsing?

How do you get back on track if you're stuck on NoFap?

If those are questions you've ever asked yourself, then read this blog post. Or, watch and...

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Cue Exposure Therapy For Porn Addiction (My Personal Example) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to quit porn right now?

Ok great, let me ask you this, have you ever relapsed? 

Well, you’re not alone because most people relapse, many times, over and over again.

So how do we stop relapsing to porn? 

Well today I...

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