NoFap: is Edging a Relapse When Quitting Porn? (How Bad is it) dopamine desensitization nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

The Dopamine quiz I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Are you trying to quit using porn?

And now you are wondering whether edging counts as a relapse or not?

So, what's the deal here?

Is edging a relapse on NoFap?


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Dopamine And Social Media Clicking (Porn is The Worst) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors low dopamine pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Are you worrying about how clicking and scrolling on all those social media platforms can make us lazy procrastinators?

And if porn might be even worse than social...

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NoFap & Quitting Porn Doesn't Work (My Thoughts) nofap nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you frustrated because of lack of results after quitting porn?

Are you wondering if NoFap actually works?

Are you unsure of whether or not to continue with this whole NoFap thing?

If so, we need to get started right away...

NoFap &...

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What Can I Substitute For Porn To Feel Good Right NOW? no pmo pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course i mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Have you quit using porn and now you are wondering if there is anything else, besides porn that you could use in order to feel good?

I.e. since we can no longer get...

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NoFap / Quitting Porn Doesn't Help For Anxiety? (My Experience) nofap benefits pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course for quitting porn, that I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

NoFap gave me a lot of benefits.

It really did. 

And quitting porn is one of the best decisions I've ever made in my entire life. 


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How Much Porn Means That I Have An Addiction? (Surprising Answer) pmo addiction porn-addiction

 Wondering how much porn you can watch before it is considered a porn addiction?

Or are you worried that you already are addicted to porn?

So, what's the answer here? How much porn means an addiction?

Let's jump in and take a look...


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A Poem About Internet And Porn Addiction pmo addiction poems porn-addiction

Dopamine, The 'Con Man'.

I wrote a short poem about internet and porn addiction. 

I hope you can enjoy...

Alone in the dark of the online night,
all those pixels are there, an alluring sight.
Little does he know, it’s a dangerous path.

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NoFap: 60 Days After Quitting Porn - Social Anxiety Gone! nofap nofap benefits porn-addiction quitting porn success stories

Wondering what can happen when you reach 60 Days of NoFap?

Or when you're 60 days into your journey of quitting porn?

Can quitting porn help your social anxiety and depression?

Well, let's take a look at two guys experiences with this. 


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Why Do I Keep Clicking On New Porn Videos? (Here's The Deal) dopamine dopamine desensitization no pmo porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

The quitting porn course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here!

Curious about why you constantly keep clicking to a new porn clip while on an adult website?

Why you don't even stay one single minute on the same video?


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Do Urologists Recognize Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction? (PIED) pied recovery porn induced ed porn-addiction quitting porn success stories

Wondering if porn induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) is a real thing?

If PIED is recognized by urologists?

Well, today we are going to take a look at a NoFap success story that comes from a urologist who fixed his own ED by quitting porn.


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How To Heal Your Brain From Porn Use (How Long Does it Take?) porn withdrawals porn-addiction quitting porn

The online course I mention in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering how to heal your brain after your porn addiction?

How long it will take?

Or if there's a way you can speed up the healing of your brain after porn use?


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NoFap Life After Flatline ( When Flatline Ends & libido Comes Back) nofap flatline pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

So you're trying to quit porn, huh?

And now you're in a flatline and wonder, what NoFap life after flatline is going to look like?

What happens after the flatline?

What do you do when libido comes back om NoFap?

Well, let's talk about it...


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Porn Addiction And Being Stuck In Relapses (The Problem) pmo addiction porn-addiction

By clicking right here you can find the system I'm mentioning in the end of the video.

Wondering why it's so hard to break free from a porn addiction?

And why you feel stuck?

Well, if so, today's content is a must watch for you...


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Quit Porn And Get Rich - Review (Will NoFap Give You Success?) book reviews porn-addiction quitting porn

Sign up to audible, first 30 days free hereLink to audible and search for the book over there (aff. link).

Scandinavian Bob here, hi. 

I’m going to start a new video series here on my channel where I review different...

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Can Quitting Porn Help With Confidence & Social Anxiety? (Link Found) porn-addiction quitting porn

The course mentioned in the end of the video can be found right here.

Wondering if quitting porn can help your social anxiety?

Or if quitting porn can help with confidence in general?

Well, if so, you definitely have to stay for a while because...

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What To Do After A Porn Addiction Relapse (The Day After) nofap relapse pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

Are you trying to quit using porn?

As in, you know, tying to overcome your porn addiction?

And now you're wondering, what should I do after a porn relapse?

Well, let's take a look...

What To Do After A Porn Addiction Relapse

Scandinavian Bob...

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Benefits Of Taking A Break From Porn (Study Finds Real Benefits) no pmo nofap porn-addiction quitting porn semen retention

Wondering if there are any benefits of taking a break from porn?

Well if so, you found the right page because today we are going to take a look at the results from a real study, investigating this.

So hit play right now and stay for a while...

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Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My Dopamine? (Watch This) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine receptors porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you wondering if having an AI girlfriend could be bad for your dopamine system?

Well, the short answer is, it depends. 

The longer answer is a bit more complex. 

Stay with me here...

Is Having An AI Girlfriend Bad For Me & My...

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Counting Days When Quitting Porn (Good or Bad?) pmo addiction porn-addiction quitting porn

This is a super short snippet from the online course The 4-Step Porn Crushing System

Are you trying to quit using porn?

And now you are wondering whether or not counting days is something you should be doing?

Well if so, you're in the right place,...

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Can Mediation Help With Porn Addiction Cravings? (Study says yes!) pmo addiction porn-addiction

Wondering about meditation and its effect on porn addiction?

Well if so, this post is definitely for you.

Today we are going to take a look at a meditation study that was made on people who were classified as "problematic porn users".


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Porn Addiction Relapse Prevention & How I Managed To Stop Relapsing pmo addiction porn relapse porn-addiction

The system I'm talking about in the video can be found right here, but please listen to the video before you go there. 

Are you wondering how you can prevent porn addiction relapses?

Well, if so, you are in the right place. 

Today I'm...

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Porn Has Made Me Too Desensitized (Dopamine Desensitization) dopamine desensitization porn-addiction quitting porn

Has porn made you so desensitized that you feel you have a hard time enjoying life?

Does all those day-to-day activities that you used to enjoy no longer deliver any joy or pleasure?

Well, if so, this post is for you.

Stay with me here...


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Porn As A Coping Mechanism (And What To Do About it) porn-addiction quitting porn

A lot of people are using porn as a coping mechanism nowadays.

Especially online porn. 

In fact, in a recent poll I made on my YouTube channel I found at that more than 35% of my subscribers are using porn more so as a means to escape life...

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90 Days Of NoFap is Hard (Even if Youโ€™re Not Addicted To Porn) nofap porn-addiction quitting porn semen retention

Are you doing NoFap?

Have you tried to reach 90 days for a long time now, only to fail again and again?

Wondering how it's possible how a 90 day NoFap challenge can be this hard to go through?

Well, if so, you might want to take a closer...

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