Does NoFap And Quitting Porn Really increase Confidence? (Let's See) no pmo nofap quitting porn

NoFap Confidence, is there such a thing?

What is the connection really?

Does NoFap and quitting porn increase confidence or not?

Well, this is what we are going to take a closer look at in today’s video / blog post. I hope you find it...

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NoFap What To Do When Tempted (19 Easy Tips) nofap porn-addiction quitting porn

This blog post is about, what to do when tempted on NoFap.

I recommend you put the video on play, and then follow along in the blog as well.

Mastering the art of not falling for temptations is one of the most important skills we can...

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Different Ways Of Doing A Dopamine Detox (Intermittent Style) dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting dopamine receptors

Instead of doing a hard dopamine fast, you should know that there are many different ways of doing a dopamine detox. 

Why not try intermittent dopamine fasting, for example?

Here are some of the benefits that many people notice, even if not...

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Porn Addiction Timeline (Benefits And Withdrawals) no pmo porn-addiction quitting porn

If you are looking for a quitting porn timeline you've find the right page.

In this video / blog post a share the most common time frames for experiencing different withdrawal symptoms as well as different benefits you may experience after...

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Quitting Porn And NoFap Timeline (Benefits) no pmo nofap quitting porn

In this video we are going to take a look at the quitting porn and NoFap timeline.

Now, right from the start I have to make it clear that this is not an exact science and that the benefits are experienced differently and at different times for...

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Porn Reboot Relapse (Two Different Types Of PMO Relapses) dopamine dopamine desensitization low dopamine

Looking for info on porn reboot relapses?

Well you're in the right place. 

There are many kinds of PMO reboot relapses, but today we are going to talk about two of them with the main focus on the second one, which is a nasty one that tends...

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7 NoFap Mistakes (Discover Deadly Errors) nofap relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here hi,

Today we are going to talk about 7 high risk situations that often make people relapse and if you want to take NoFap seriously, well, you need to know them all.

The title is NoFap mistakes, but you'll quickly notice that...

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NoFap When Does it Get Easier? (Good And Bad News For You) dopamine no pmo nofap quitting porn

So, when does it get easier on NoFap?

The NoFap difficulty levels I share in this video will show you when NoFap got easier for me. Just remember...

...your mileage may vary!

When does NoFap get easier?

Well, let’s take a look at some...

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Will NoFap Give You Success? (Scientific Link) dopamine dopamine desensitization dopamine fasting no pmo nofap nofap benefits

So, can NoFap make you successful?

Will NoFap give you success?

Today we are going to talk about NoFap and dopamine and during the video you will discover why men who really take NoFap seriously can become successful in life.

So really try to...

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PMO Addiction Relapse Lies (Your Brain Keeps Telling You) porn relapse porn-addiction

Today we are going to talk about something important.

Well, it's important if you have a porn addiction, because the subject is: PMO addiction relapse lies

In other words, we are going to talk about that little voice you hear in the back of...

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How Do You Surf Urges On NoFap? (Easy To Understand) nofap nofap relapse

So, how do you surf urges on NoFap?

Give me your full  attention now and really try your best to concentrate for the whole video because if you master this, oh man you will get so far on your NoFap journey.

At the very least you'll...

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Testosterone Spike On Day 7 Of Abstinence (Did You Know This?) no pmo nofap testosterone

Do you know what happens to your testosterone levels on day 7 of abstinence from ejaculation?


Well, you might want to take a look at the video above.

If you are a guy who likes doing NoFap then you need to know what happens on day 7.

Yes, if...

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Why Do I Keep Relapsing on NoFap? (Here's Your Solution) nofap nofap relapse porn relapse quitting porn

Scandinavian Bob here, hi.

I just want to make a really short video / blog post, sharing something important about nofap.

I get so many emails from guys asking for advice, asking why do I keep relapsing on NoFap? 

Now, because I want to...

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NoFap And Cold Showers (And Dopamine Receptors) hormesis and dopamine nofap

Today we are going to take a look at 3 ways cold showers and NoFap go so well together.

And if you’re not doing them yourself, after watching this video, or after reading this blog post, you might just change your mind

So, let's get to...

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Can NoFap Help Social Anxiety? (You Might Want To See This) nofap

NoFap and social anxiety.

Can NoFap help social anxiety?

Well, this is what I’m going to talk about today. Does it work and if so, HOW does it work?  This is going to be interesting so make sure to stay with me to the end...


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NoFap - How To Get Back On Track When Your'e Stuck In A Relapse Cycle nofap nofap relapse porn relapse

Are you stuck on  a relapse cycle on NoFap?

Are stuck in a cycle of binge relapsing?

How do you get back on track if you're stuck on NoFap?

If those are questions you've ever asked yourself, then read this blog post. Or, watch and...

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Dopamine and Reward Deficiency Syndrome (Lack Of Pleasure) dopamine dopamine healthy habits

Do you sometimes feel that you are not happy enough, even at times when good things happen to you?

Well stick around because today we are going to talk about dopamine and something called reward deficiency syndrome.

Studies show that about 25%...

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NoFap - How Far Back Does A Relapse Set Me? (Are You Back To Zero?) nofap

So how far back will a relapse on NoFap set me?

Ahh, the million dollar question.

Let’s look at this question from the point of view of someone who is addicted to fapping to online porn.

Ok, so take a deep breath now as I ask you to...

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How Long Does The Flatline Last on NoFap? (The Surprising Truth) nofap nofap flatline pied recovery pmo addiction porn induced ed porn-addiction

So how long does the NoFap flatline last?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get and in this video we are going to take a look at that and in the later part of the video I am going to share something interesting with you so...

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Is NoFap Placebo? (Why NoFap Doesn't Work For You) no pmo nofap porn-addiction

Is NoFap placebo?

Or a better way to ask would be, are the NoFap benefits guys are seeing just because of the placebo effect?

Well, if NoFap doesn't work for you, you might want to give this post a red.

Let's jump in...

Is NoFap placebo?


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Cue Exposure Therapy For Porn Addiction (My Personal Example) porn relapse porn-addiction quitting porn

Are you trying to quit porn right now?

Ok great, let me ask you this, have you ever relapsed? 

Well, you’re not alone because most people relapse, many times, over and over again.

So how do we stop relapsing to porn? 

Well today I...

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Does NoFap Ever Get Easier (You Need To Hear This) nofap

Does NoFap ever get easier?

Well this is what many guys ask me and today we’re going to take a closer look at that question-

Yes, NoFap does get easier, but the truth is that for most guys, not for everyone, but for the majority of guys...

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NoFap - How To Deal With Urges (The Indian Style) nofap pmo reboot porn-addiction quitting porn

So how do you deal with NoFap urges?

Do you hate them?

Well, most people do, however, urges are actually good for you and today’s video I’m going to share something interesting that might be just  what you need to finally get...

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NoFap - How To Deal With Withdrawals After Quitting Porn porn-addiction quitting porn


Withdrawals after quitting porn...

As most of you know already, a lot of people are suffering from withdrawal symptoms for a period of time after going off porn.

And if you watched my last video you could see that this is actually very...

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